Genshin Impact Yanfei Best Build For Weapons, Artifacts, and Team Comp

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5 Min Read
Yanfei Build

Yanfei is a 4-star playable character in Genshin Impact. She was an Adeptus like Ganyu and the descendant of a luminous beast. However, because being born in the modern era, She had never felt the pain of war.

She is very good at speaking, especially about the law. Not only smart, but Yanfei is also very good at fighting. This character has a powerful Charge Infused Pyro Attack and is the primary source of his Damage. Here are the best Yanfei build for weapons, artifacts, and team comp in Genshin Impact.

Best Yanfei Build

Yanfei Weapons

Lost Prayer To The Sacred Winds is the best weapon for Yanfei, it will increase the character’s Movement Speed by 10%. When in battle, the character gains an 8% Elemental Damage Bonus every 4s, max 4 stacks. It lasts until the character falls or leaves combat.

As a substitute, The Widsith can also be the right choice for Yanfei. When the character takes the field, they will gain a random theme song for 10s. Recitative: Attack is increased by 60%, Aria: Increases all Elemental Damage by 48%, and Interlude: Elemental Mastery is increased by 240. It can only occur once every 30s.

For a F2P player, you can use Mappa Mare, which can be obtained by crafting Northlander Catalyst, Billet x1, Crystal Chunk x50, and White Iron Chunk x50. Triggering an elemental reaction will grant an 8% Elemental Damage bonus for 10s, max 2 stacks.

Yanfei weapons F2P next are Dodoco Tales, you can obtain this weapon through the Midsummer Island Event Shop. When the character hits opponents with Normal Attack, it increases charged attack Damage by 16% for 6s. Charged attack hits on opponents increase Attack by 8% for 6s.


Lost Prayer To The Sacred Winds
Best Weapons

The Widsith
Recommended Weapon

Mappa Mare
F2P Weapon

Dodoco Tales
F2P Weapon

Yanfei Artifacts

The best artifact for Yanfei is Wanderer’s Troupe (4-Piece Set), which increases Charged Attack Damage by +35% if the character uses a Catalyst or a Bow.

Or you can also use Crimson Witch Of Flames (4-Piece Set), which increases Overloaded and Burning Damage by 40%. Increases Vaporize and Melt Damage by 15%. Using an Elemental Skill will increase 2-Piece Set effects by 50% for 10s, max 3 stacks.


Wanderer’s Troupe
[2-Piece Set]
Increases Elemental Mastery by 80.

[4-Piece Set]
Increases the damage of Charged Attack by 35%, but only applies for Catalyst and Bow users.

Crimson Witch Of Flames
[2-Piece Set]
Increases Pyro Damage by 15%. Since it’s a percentage, the increase depends on the user’s current Pyro Damage.

[4-Piece Set]
Increases the damage for Overloaded and Burning Damage by 40% and Vaporize and Melt Damage by 15%. Additionally, using an Elemental Skill increases the effect of the 2-piece set by 50%, making the total increase to Pyro damage 65%.

Yanfei Team Comp

Yanfei is a Pyro Catalyst character suitable to fill the DPS role, this character can easily do Elemental Reaction constantly. That way, the right Yanfei team comp must be able to maximize and support the Damage from the Reaction Elemental.

Best Team:





Substitute Team:







F2P Team:






Yanfei Gameplay:

How To Get Yanfei?

Yanfei was a character who didn’t have his own Wish Banner event. However, you can get it through permanent banners: Beginner’s Wish and Wanderlust Invocation.

You can also get Yanfei through other characters’ Wish Banner events, the drop rates will be boosted depending on the banner.

Banner Includes Yanfei

Beginner’s Wish

Wanderlust Invocation

Zhongli Banner | Gentry of Hermitage

Ganyu Banner | Adrift in the Harbor

Tartaglia Banner | Farewell of Snezhnaya

Kamisato Ayaka Banner | The Heron’s Court

Read also:

So that’s all the information about Genshin Impact Yanfei build for weapons, artifacts, and team comp. Although hopefully, the information can be helpful, if there are questions or other things you want to tell, you can write them in the comments below.

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