Cooking Mama IP Owner Take Legal Action to Its Publisher

By Marvin Ciputra 132 Views 4 Min Read
4 Min Read
Cooking Mama Cookstar Legal Action

The owner of Cooking Mama: Cookstar‘s intellectual property rights, Office Create, will take whatever legal action they can against Planet Entertainment LLC after the publisher released the game without authorization.

This information comes after Cooking Mama: Cookstar was released on the Nintendo Switch eShop but then pulled only hours later, an act which subsequently led to rumors that the game may contain some sort of cryptocurrency mining software, something which has since been denied by both insider reports and official company statements.

However, something which wasn’t denied was that the creation of the latest Cooking Mama game had been both tumultuous and ultimately disappointing, as detailed in Screen Rant’s exclusive interview with one Cooking Mama: Cookstar developer.

The anonymous source spoke of publishers who were impairing the development team’s ability to work properly, and which released the game “against a request by office create to keep polishing the game, or perhaps even canceling it.” Now, Office Create has released their own official statement about what happened with the development and release of Cooking Mama: Cookstar.

Failed to Meet Customer’s Standard

Cooking Mama Cookstar Controversy|ScreenRant

In a recent statement, Office Create thanks their fans for their support of the Cooking Mama games over the years but announced that the recent release of Cooking Mama: Cookstar was an unauthorized action which was “in breach of Planet’s contract with Office Create.”

According to the IP holder, the quality of Cooking Mama: Cookstar game builds which were shown to them continually “failed to meet the standards that our customers expect and deserve.”

However, instead of fixing the problems or allowing the developers more time to work on the game, and, according to Office Create, “despite being contractually obligated to correct the identified deficiences and resubmit the corrected game for Office Create’s approval, Planet [Entertainment] proceeded to release Cooking Mama: Cookstar without addressing all of the rejections and without Office Create’s approval.”

Planet Entertainment License Terminated

Cooking Mama Cookstar |Nawala Karsa

Because of this, and also because Office Create has recently learned about an “upcoming European release of a PS4 version of Cooking Mama: Cookstar” which was not authorized to be developed by Planet Entertainment or any other company, they have begun “evaluating all legal action against Planet to protect our customers, intellectual property rights and the Cooking Mama series.”

Office Create also mentions that they immediately terminated Planet Entertainment’s license for the Cooking Mama IP due to breach of contract and notified the company on March 30, 2020, but also says that “despite such notice, Planet Continues to advertise and sell the unauthorized version of Cooking Mama: Cookstar on its website in willful violation of Office Create’s rights.”

This official company statement from Office Create confirms what was revealed in Screen Rant’s own exclusive interview, where a developer of Cooking Mama: Cookstar also said that once Office Create learned of Planet Entertainment’s unauthorized publication of the game they did everything in their power to pull it from the Nintendo eShop immediately and stop production of cartridges.

WOW. Such a DAMN drama for a fun Switch cooking game huh? So, what do you think about this guys?

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