Obtaining resources and building a base is essential in the early hours in Valheim. However, there are also tools that are difficult to make because you cannot find the materials needed. One of the most difficult objects to find is the horn. That’s why here I want to provide a guide on how to get Hard Antler in Valheim.
What is Valheim Hard Antler?
This is Valheim’s material which is made into a pickaxe.
How to Get Hard Antler in Valheim
For those of you who want to get Hard Antler, you have to beat the first boss, Eikthyr. Of course, you must have qualified equipment such as spears and shields. It is hard in the beginning, but don’t worry because we have made this Valheim Eikthyr Guide.
The first time you beat Eikthyr, it will drop 1 Eikthyr trophy, 3 Hard Antler, and Eikthyr Power. You can fight Eikthyr again if you need more Antler. Surely you have to prepare more ingredients for summoning.
With this Hard antler, you can make an antler pickaxe useful for mining copper, iron, and other materials.
Well, that’s how to get Hard Antler in Valheim. Don’t forget to comment and revisit us for more Valheim Guides.