In Valheim, there are some mining material that you might need. Of course Antler Pickaxe is one of them as you will likely utilize it in the early game to mine. We have talked about making a pickaxe in the previous article. Now, let’s learn about how to get Tin Ore in Valheim.
What is Valheim Tin Ore?
It is the raw material in Valheim. The Tin ore can be turned into Tin in a Smelter. This can be further processed at a Forge with Copper to yield Bronze.
How to Get Tin Ore in Valheim
After the first boss, Eikthyr get defeated, you can explore this world even further. Still, in the same land, you can go to the Black Forest biome. Tin Ore only can be mined with a pickaxe in the Tin deposit. For you who are looking for the source, you can find Tin deposits along the shorelines and riverbanks. It looked like a lump that had appeared in the water.
Mining it may take a long time. The Tin ore will pop up when the lump destroys. Just go through them or press [E] key. The Tin ore will place in the inventory.
You can explore the Black Forest biome, which is near your house (the spawning). Also, it would be best if you prepared a weapon and shield because this biome is inhabited by many terrible creatures, such as Greydwarf kin.
So, that’s how to get Tin Ore in Valheim. Wowkia will give more Valheim Guides and Tutorial in the Future. Make sure you keep revisiting us.