Despite all of the online controversy, The Last of Us 2 (TLoU 2) receives amazing sales. Not just that, its breaking extreme records in the UK at an extraordinary rate. The controversial game has been taking over the internet.
There are a lot of players who leave negative comments, also give bad ratings. Even some of them sending death threats to Abby’s voice actress. Meanwhile, the game continues to gain positive reviews from critics. With those good reviews increasing, so are the number of sales in the UK.
Will It Be The Best Playstation Game Ever?
The Last of Us 2 broke the sales record for Sony’s UK PS4 sales soon after its initial release. However, it’s even surpassed that record. According to the sales numbers, the game has sold more copies than the other top 10 highest selling games for each week in June added together.
Because of this and other successful PlayStation games, Sony is now the number one ranking video game publisher in the UK in terms of sales. The second installment of The Last of Us also become the fastest-selling PS4 exclusive game of all time. Over four million copies sold all over the world. It’s bringing the game to the top of many countries’ best selling charts.
The sales numbers and many positive reviews from critics fight back against the online backlash for certain decisions in The Last of Us 2’s story. Even though these fans are upset at the direction the game takes, they can’t argue with the numbers that are coming out online.
The Last Of Us II Gameplay
Many have given the game a glowing review for the way that it engages empathy with the opponents Ellie comes across as she ventures through the game, and many who have worked on the game at the developer Naughty Dog have been surprised by the extent of hate that people related to the game’s creation are receiving from groups of these upset individuals.
So the answer will be a YES!