Potential Things About Jake Lockley to the MCU

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Jake Lockley To The Mcu

Some fans will be asking about what happens next or how Jake Lockley will make his way to the MCU as a good new superhero. After the premiere of all the episodes telling about Marc Spector, Steven Grant, and also the horrible character who was finally revealed to be Jake Lockley, so many people loved them.

The Disney Plus series does get good attention, as evidenced by the audience scores on IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes. But here, the teasing about what happened to Jake Lockley was revealed a bit by the main Producer who handled the first project.

Jake Lockley to the MCU As What?

The complicated performance of the three characters in Moon Knight is a unique thing and becomes an insight for many people. This one also brings a dark element to the audience for the MCU’s new or oldest followers.

Moon Knight’s actions and many other things including CGI make him quite satisfied. And post-credit is a loved one, as he was just revealed, meaning Jake Lockley. Oscar Isaac brings Jake Lockley to life in a post-credits scene from Episode 6 as he drives to a mental hospital in a luxury limousine before apparently killing Ethan Hawke’s Arthur Harrow.

Jake Lockley to the MCU | Marvel Studios

While this immediately sets up some potentially wild storylines for Season 2, if and when Moon Knight gets a confirmed update, Jake’s presence is already something to make fans think about what to expect. even though so many people kind of thought he wouldn’t be around at first, the revenge about it was great. So, will Jake Lockley return to the sequel or what will his fate be?

If we pay close attention, Jake Lockley seems to be the main owner of the next action made by Khonsu. But we don’t know yet whether he will carry out brutal acts and be considered a bad person, an anti-hero or Jake will continue to do good superhero things without hurting innocent people.

Bringing Jake Lockley to the MCU is not as easy as trivial things, as is the case with America Chaves which previously had to be revealed in Spider-Man No Way Home.

Is Jake Lockley at Disney Plus the Same Person in Comics?

Regarding Jake Lockley as one of the many elements of Moon Knight, in an interview with Inverse, Moon Knight chief writer Jeremy Slater looked ahead to where Jake Lockley, Marc Spector’s second alternate personality, could go in the future MCU events. He also confirmed that this version of Jake is definitely not the same as Jake from the comics.

Again, changes occur here, as well as on Ms. Marvel at Disney Plus which is still running. But you should know that there’s no official confirmation that Moon Knight will be moving into Season 2, although there are some small hints that suggest it’s in the cards for the near future.

We also can’t see any text that says Moon Knight will be back in the credits scene like other MCU projects. But in fact, Jake will be a character that fans are starting to look for quickly. And if you haven’t watched all the episodes for the series, Moon Knight is available to stream on Disney Plus.

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