Mighty Thor Without Powers Footage Revealed!

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Mighty Thor Without Power

One of the many promotional videos by Marvel Studios on any social media platform simply reveals footage showing Mighty Thor Without Powers. The film will feature many of the characters from the previous film, including all the Guardians of the Galaxy, but nothing is known about Gamora.

A new Thor movie in July is coming soon. Marvel Studios will soon be releasing Thor: Love and Thunder, the fourth Thor solo film in MCU history. Among the star-studded cast of characters is Natalie Portman’s Jane Foster, who returns as the MCU’s Mighty Thor after a brief stint in 2019’s Avengers: Endgame. So what’s the update for the girl?

The Footage Reveals Mighty Thor Without Power

The new sequel to Thor makes up the slate of films made to adapt Jane’s story from Marvel Comics, in which Thor’s longtime love interest catches cancer before he becomes worthy of wielding the mighty hammer, Mjolnir.

While Thor 4 will definitely show how much Jane struggles physically and emotionally with this challenge, she’ll be able to hide it to some degree when she wields Mjolnir and dresses up as a superhero.

Throughout the promo material fans have seen so far, Portman has only been seen in her Thor costume, though she definitely shines in this outfit with her Asgardian armor and cape when she’s in action.

As the sequel draws near to its release date in July, Marvel has now taken the opportunity to show a little tease of how Portman would look like an everyday version of Jane.


JANE!? ⚡ Get tickets to MarvelStudios’ #ThorLoveAndThunder on Monday! #Marvel #Thor

♬ original sound – Marvel Entertainment

Jane Foster’s journey will meet the most complicated roadblocks to date in Thor: Love and Thunder as Natalie Portman provide more character development than any previous MCU appearance. This is highlighted by two distinct sides of one character – one dealing with a life-threatening illness and another one who boasts of the power and might of the God of Lightning.

While some of Portman’s material will come in the form of flashbacks showing Jane’s breakup with Thor, it’s still a mystery how exactly fans will see her dealing with real-life issues in terms of her cancer diagnosis. This new footage confirms that it will no doubt be a part of his story, even as he smiles and jokes with his friends, struggles through pain, and learns about how to be a hero.

Aside from Jane, another promo clip shows just how much fun Thor: Love and Thunder can be thanks to some hilarious photos of the big Thor and the muscular Thor and Korg getting slapped. While there are still plenty of questions about how this story will come together as a whole, there’s no shortage of excitement as the cosmic side of the MCU evolves to new heights. Thor: Love and Thunder will premiere in theaters on July 8, so make sure you’re ready.

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