Bob Iger’s Disney Departure Halted By Corona

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Bob Iger Disney Corona

As if The delays and some cancellation of entertainments weren’t enough, the Corona pandemic believe it or not, halted people’s company departure. And in this case, is Disney‘s Bob Iger departure.

As you may already read, a couple weeks ago, Disney announced the departure of then CEO Bob Iger. Disney parks chairman Bob Chapek was named his replacement, with Iger transitioning to executive chairman until 2021.

But that transition / departure is now being halted due to this on-going Corona pandemic.

Still in Position to Handling the Crisis

Bob Iger | The Disinsider

Per New York Times,

“And now, Mr. Iger has effectively returned to running the company. After a few weeks of letting Mr. Chapek take charge, Mr. Iger smoothly reasserted control, BlueJeans video call by BlueJeans video call. (Disney does not use Zoom for its meetings for security reasons.)

The new, nominal chief executive is referred to, almost kindergarten style, as “Bob C,” while Mr. Iger is still just “Bob.” And his title is “executive chairman” — emphasis on the first word.

Mr. Iger is now intensely focused on remaking a company that will emerge, he believes, deeply changed by the crisis. The sketch he has drawn for associates offers a glimpse at the post-pandemic future: It’s a Disney with fewer employees, leading the new and uncertain business of how to gather people safely for entertainment.”

Disney | ScreenRant

Iger himsel also added, A crisis of this magnitude, and its impact on Disney, would necessarily result in my actively helping Bob [Chapek] and the company contend with it, particularly since I ran the company for 15 years!

Still No Timetable For His Departure

Bob Iger & Mickey Mouse | Los Angeles Magazine

And because of this, indeed there’s still no exact time table on Iger’s departure. In other words, let’s just wait & see okay?

But again at the same time, It makes sense Iger stepped back in to the leading role at Disney, especially since no one knows when the Corona pandemic will come to an end. So in the end, what do you all think about this guys?

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