One of the ingredients to make a recipe in Genshin Impact is using Radish, but finding it is not a hard thing to do. You need to know first the location of Radish Genshin Impact so you can collect to make a recipe.
Genshin Impact has various food recipes that you can consume to improve the abilities of each character. To make this recipe, you will need several ingredients. One of the ingredients is radish.
Many players are having trouble finding the location of this item because the location can be tricky at times. However, identifying locations where Radishes Genshin Impact can be found will solve the problems.
Genshin Impact Radish Location
If you want to find the location of radish in Genshin Impact, it’s not a difficult thing to do. All you need to do first is to know the location of this item. Which are you must complete missions at the Marvelous Merchandise event.
A location where a large number of radishes would be able to solve farming problems instantly. In the main discussion of this article, a large number of Radish locations can be found. Where is it located? Here is the information.
1. Near Dawn Winery (Mondstadt)
This is the most common Radish location in the game Genshin Impact. Not only radishes, but this location also has a lot of carrots. Follow the map to get to the radish Genshin Impact location, which is near the vegetable garden south of Dawn Winery. At this location, there are 4 Radishes that you can get.
2. Near Stone Gate (Liyue)
Follow the map to the location of the Stone Gate in Liyue. At that location, there will be 4 Radishes spawns daily next to the marker house.
3. Wanmin Restaurant (Liyue)
Teleport to Liyue port, then look for Wanmin restaurant. At this restaurant, you can buy 10 radishes at a super cheap price, which is only 3150 Mora. The store will reset every week. Each buyer is limited to only being able to buy a total of 10 radishes per week.
4. Expedition Guyun Stone Forest
Radishes can be raised from expeditions as well. Guyun Stone Forest Expedition is one of them. under Liyue’s expedition menu, you can get 8 to 12 Radishes every day.
5. Expedition Wolvendom
Just like Guyun Stone Forest, players can earn a total of 8 to 12 Radishes every day in the Wolvendom expedition.
People also Ask About Radish Genshin Impact
What is the Best Location to Farm Radish in Genshin Impact?
The best location to farm radish in Genshin Impact is Dawn Winery and Stone Gate, in that place you can get a total of 8 radishes every day for free.
So that’s all the information about Genshin Impact Radish location and how to get it. If there are questions or other things that you want to tell, you can write them in the comments below.