The Forest, which launched in 2018 for PC and subsequently for PlayStation 4, has earned a reputation as one of the most spine-tingling survival experiences available. Players must navigate a brutal, open-world landscape filled with savage cannibals and horrifying mutants.
The game offers limitless possibilities for construction, thrilling combat, and exploration, making the gameplay feel virtually infinite. In this article, we’ll explore The Forest cheats, examining what options are available and, crucially, how to effectively utilize them.
How to use cheats in The Forest
Here’s a quick-step guide that’ll teach you how to use The Forest cheat codes:
- On your keyboard, press Z to toggle the console, and then use F1 to switch it on or off.
- You can use X or the tilde (~) key to display the console’s status
- You can press C to display stats
- To access previously entered codes, use the arrow keys
- To make changes to existing commands, use the left and right arrow keys
- Once you’ve opened the console, simply type in the command you want to use and hit enter.
Basic Commands

To use these, simply type them into the main menu – not the in-game console.
Code | Effect |
ironforest | make structures indestructible |
meatmode | disable cheats |
rawmeatmode | permadeath when you die |
regrowmode | trees grow 10% when you sleep |
woodpaste | resets holes made by cutter |
veganmode | enemies spawn only in caves |
vegetarianmode | enemies spawn only at night |
Console Commands

Code | Effect |
additem | [item id] – Add an item with item ID |
spawnanimal | [animal name] – Spawn the animal you type in front of character |
goto | [location name/coordinates] – Teleport to coordinates you type |
placebuiltobjects | [object id] [quantity] – Place object of the ID you typed |
cavelight | [on/off] – Choose light or darkness in cave |
buildermode | [on/off] – Turn on/0ff mode |
faststart | [on/off] – Skip the opening scene |
godmode | [on/off] – Enable/disable God mode |
buildhack | [on/off] – Enable/disable buildhack |
cancelallghosts | Remove every blueprint |
addallitems | Add one of each item to inventory |
addallstoryitems | Add one of each story item |
itemhack | Enable/disable infinite items |
survival | When disabled, hydration and hunger not affected |
speedyrun | Run at high speed |
invisible | unaffected by camera effects |
killallenemiesInstantly | kill all enemies in game |
enemies | Enables/disables enemy spawns |
terrainrender | Enables/terrain rendering |
lightingtimeofdayoverride | [off/lighting name] – reset time of day |
forcerain | [weather] – Change weather |
cutdowntrees | [amount/%] – Change % of trees |
cutgrass | [radius] – Cut grass with radius you typed |
pmactivestatelabels | [on/off] – show NPC stats |
setstat | [stat] [value] – Set player stats |
setskill | [skill] [value] – Set player skills |
addclothingid | [clothing id] – Add clothing you typed |
killallanimals | Kill all animals |
killclosestanimal | Kill the closest animal |
animals | Enable/disable animals |
birds | Enable/disable birds |
spawnitem | [item id] – Spawn item in front of you |
removeitem | [item id] – Remove item you typed from inventory |
spawnanimalquietSpawns | Animal you typed will apear in the nearest trap |
restallenemies | Reset enemy AI |
knockdownclosetenemy | Knock nearest enemy |
killclosestenemy | Kill nearest enemy |
killendboss | Kills final boss |
astar | [on/off] – Enables/disable enemy path finding |
spawnregularfamily | Spawn 3-6 cannibals |
spawnpaintedfamily | Spawn 3-6 painted cannibals |
spawnskinnedfamily | Spawn 3-6 masked cannibals |
spawnskinnyfamily | Spawns 2-3 skinny cannibals |
spawnmutant | Spawn amutant you typed |
spawnallpickups | Spawn all items in the map |
checkday | Print the current day on the console log |
advanceday | Skip one day forward |
setcurrentday | Set current date |
timescale | Slow down/speed up gameplay |
gametimescale | Change the speed of game stats |
plantallgardens | Plant seeds in all the gardens |
growallgardens | Refill all mud piles in the game |
energyhack | unlimited energy and stamina |
revivelocalplayer | Revive character in multiplayer |
fakehitplayer | Receive a fake hit (no damage) |
setvariationextra | Remove/add jacket |
placeallghosts | all blueprints in game appear in front of you |
setplayervariation | Change skin color |
setplayershirtmat | Change character shirt material |
showworldposfor | reveal where an object is |
hideworldposfor | Hides object location |
findpassenger | Find passenger with ID you typed |
gototag | Teleport to tag you typed |
gotoenemy | Teleport to a random enemy |
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source: Gamerode