The Sims 4 is one of the best simulation game in the world. In this game, you can simulate daily life. The Sims 4 developed by Maxis and published by Electronic Arts. The Sims 4 cheats allow you to shortcut your way to the high life – free money, free houses, instant happiness and friendships, you name it.
The cheat also can help you to stop Sims and objects, even teleportation. Wowkia will give you The Sims 4 cheats on all platforms. Let’s check the list below!
The Sims 4 Cheats PC

Press Ctrl + Shift + C together to bring up the Cheat Console. Enter the cheat of your choice, press the Enter Key, and The Sims 4 cheat will come into effect. Many cheats require you enter ‘testingcheat true’ before type the cheat codes. Doing so will reveal the command ‘Cheats are enabled’, which signifies this is active.
Mood Buffs
Mood buffs available used with “sims.add_buff” command.
Effect | Code |
+1 Confident / 4 Hours | WeenieRoastHost_Bronze |
+1 Focused / 6 Hours | ConstellationFormations |
+1 Happy / 2 Days | CampingForest_Refreshed |
+1 Inspired / 6 Hours | WalleyeSurprise_Inspired |
+2 Confident / 4 Hours | WeenieRoastHost_Silver |
+2 Confident / 4 Hours | Confidenthigh |
+2 Flirty / 4 Hours | Flirtyhigh |
+2 Focused / 4 Hours | Focusedhigh |
+2 Happy / 2 Days | CampingForest_LovesOutdoors_Rejuvenated |
+2 Happy / 4 Hours | TalesoftheDead_GreatStoryteller |
+2 Happy / 4 Hours | AGreatScare_GreatStoryteller |
+2 Happy / 4 Hours | HappilyEverAfter_GreatStory |
+2 Inspired / 4 Hours | InspirationalMoral_GreatStoryteller |
+2 Inspired / 4 Hours | Inspiredhigh |
+2 Playful / 4 Hours | ASillyScare_GreatStoryteller |
+2 Uncomfortable / 1 Hour | HerbalistPotion_DisgustingLiquid |
+3 Confident / 4 Hours | WeenieRoastHost_Gold |
+3 Energized / 4 Hours | TreasuredTale_GreatStoryteller |
+3 Inspired / 4 Hours | SpineTinglingThrill_GreatStoryteller |
+3 Inspired / 4 Hours | MagicIsReal_GreatStoryteller |
+4 Sad / 20 Days | Buff_depressed |
+5 Confident / 20 Days | CheatingIntensityBuff_Fearless |
+5 Focused / 20 Days | CheatingIntensityBuff_InTheZone |
+5 Happy / 20 Days | CheatingIntensityBuff_Elated |
+5 Inspired / 20 Days | CheatingIntensityBuff_Imaginative |
+5 Playful / 20 Days | CheatingIntensityBuff_Silly |
+6 Flirty / 20 Days | CheatingIntensityBuff_Passionate |
testingcheat on
After cheat enabled, you can choose to cheat with shift-clicking on a Sim or Object. If you want to teleport, shift+click on the ground.
Effect | Code |
Adds the selected Sim to the current household | Add to Family |
Buy Debug mode (adds extra objects) | bb.showhiddenobjects |
Decrease the size of objects that where previously enlarged | Shift + [ |
Edit selected Sim in Create-a-Sim, except for his or her name and inherited traits | Modify in CAS |
Edit the hospital, police station, etc. | bb.enablefreebuild |
Fills all bars and gives selected Sim a happy mood | Cheat Motive, Make Happy |
Fix a households all needs | stats.fill_commodities_household |
Increase the size of objects | Shift + ] |
Motives behave normally | Cheat Motive, Enable Motive Decay |
Motives freeze | Cheat Motive, Disable Motive Decay |
Pay your bills automatically | households.autopay_bills |
Resets the selected Sim or object | Reset Object |
Teleports a Sim to the selected point | Teleport Sim |
The object will become clean | Make Clean |
The object will become dirty | Make Dirty |
Unlock all careers rewards | bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement |
Console Commands
You can type a cheat from the list below.
Effect | Code |
Adds any amount of money. | sims.modify_funds +[enter amount] |
Adds specified amount of satisfaction points to current sim | sims.give_satisfaction_points # |
All homes are temporarily free while the cheat is active. Enter cheat in the Neighborhood screen. If purchased, beware of the Taxes in these lots. | freerealestate {on/off} |
All items | bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement |
Backs out of dialog or makes a choice automatically | ui.dialog.auto_respond |
Call Handyman | soak.create_soak_handyman_situation |
Call Maid | soak.create_soak_maid_situation |
Call Party | soak.create_soak_party_situation |
Complete Current Milestone | aspirations.complete_current_milestone |
Completes current aspiration milestone | aspirations.complete_current_milestone |
Death by Anger | sims.add_buff buff_Enraged |
Death By Embarrassment – Cause Death Within 5 Hours | sims.add_buff Buff_Mortified |
Death By Exahustion | sims.add_buff buff_Death_ElderExhaustion_Warning |
Death By Hunger – 24 Hour Death | sims.add_buff Buff_Motives_Hunger_Starving |
Death by Laughter | sims.add_buff buff_Hysterical |
Death By Repair | sims.add_buff buff_Death_Electrocution_Warning |
Disables Death | Death.toggle |
Displays available commands | help |
Earn a demotion in chosen career | careers.demote[name of career] |
Earn a promotion in chosen career | careers.promote[name of career] |
Edit Sim mid game. | cas.fulleditmode |
Enable Handyman | soak.enable_soak_handyman_situation |
Enable Maid | soak.enable_soak_maid_situation |
Enable Party | soak.enable_soak_party_situation |
Enable/Disable cheats | testingcheats {true/false} |
Exits the game. | quit |
Force Bills Due | households.force_bills_due |
Hides all Sim overhead effects such as plumbob, thought balloons and speech balloons. | hideheadlineeffects [on|off] |
Hides alloverhead effects such as speech and thoughts balloons | headlineeffects [off / on] |
Infinite Consumables | objects.consumables_infinite_toggle |
Make Any Sim or Ghost Appear Pregnant | sims.add_buff Pregnancy_InLabor |
Make Maid – Turn Off | sims.remove_buff NPC_Maid |
Make Maid – Turn On | sims.add_buff NPC_Maid |
Makes Acquaintances with ALL sims Note: Includes recently deceased sims. Takes a few seconds to complete. | relationship.introduce_sim_to_all_others |
Moodlets are removed | sims.remove_all_buffs |
Move Objects on allows you to completely disregard all of the game’s rules of object placement and place objects wherever you want. | bb.moveobjects [on/off] |
Provides 1,000 Simoleons | kaching OR rosebud |
Provides 50,000 Simoleons | motherlode |
Raise a Child’s Grade Performance | Careers.promote Gradeschool OR Careers.promote Highschool |
Reset your sim. Ex. resetsim Bob Smith | resetsim (sims first name) (sims lastname) |
Set Sim Age to Adult Note: Exercise caution with this. | setage [Age Wanted] |
Spawn a Friend for Me Note:Spawns a sim on your lot with a 50% friendship status with your active sim. | relationships.create_friends_for_sim |
Spawn object | objects.gsi_create_obj <objectID> |
Spawn specified number of Sims (keep the number low to avoid crashes + don’t keep these []) | sims.spawnsimple[number of Sims desired] |
Subtracts any amount of money. | sims.modify_funds -[enter amount] |
Toggles fullscreen. | fullscreen |
Turns the frame rate display in the bottom left corner. | fps [on|off] |
Relationship Level

Effect | Code |
Customize Sims relationships. | modifyrelationship PlayedSimFirstName PlayedSimLastName TargetFirstName TargetLastName (-100 to 100) Friendship/Romance_Main |
Makes Sims good friends. | modifyrelationship PlayedSimFirstName PlayedSimLastName TargetFirstName TargetLastName 100 Friendship_Main |
Makes Sims soulmates. | modifyrelationship PlayedSimFirstName PlayedSimLastName TargetFirstName TargetLastName 100 Romance_Main |
Respected Skill
Type “stats.set_skill_level <skill> <level>” on the cheat console. Replace <skill> with the available options and enter the level.
Effect | Code |
Max out Pet Training Skill (1-5) | stats.set_skill_level skill_Dog 5 |
Selects the Acting skill | AdultMajor_Acting |
Selects the Baking Skill | AdultMajor_Baking |
Selects the Charisma Skill | AdultMajor_Charisma |
Selects the Child’s Creativity Skill | Skill_Child_Creativity |
Selects the Child’s Mental Skill | Skill_Child_Mental |
Selects the Child’s Motor Skill | Skill_Child_Motor |
Selects the Child’s Social Skill | Skill_Child_Social |
Selects the Comedy Skill | AdultMajor_Comedy |
Selects the Cooking Skill | AdultMajor_HomestyleCooking |
Selects the Dance Skill | Minor_Dancing |
Selects the DJ Skill | Major_DJ |
Selects the Fishing Skill | AdultMajor_Fishing |
Selects the Fitness Skill | Skill_Fitness |
Selects the Gardening Skill | AdultMajor_Gardening |
Selects the Gourmet Cooking Skill | AdultMajor_GourmetCooking |
Selects the Guitar Skill | AdultMajor_Guitar |
Selects the Handiness Skill | AdultMajor_Handiness |
Selects the Herbalism Skill | AdultMajor_Herbalism |
Selects the Logic Skill | AdultMajor_Logic |
Selects the Media Production skill | Minor_MediaProduction |
Selects the Mischief Skill | AdultMajor_Mischief |
Selects the Mixology Skill | AdultMajor_Bartending |
Selects the Painting Skill | AdultMajor_Painting |
Selects the Photography Skill | AdultMajor_Photography |
Selects the Piano Skill | AdultMajor_Piano |
Selects the Programming Skill | AdultMajor_Programming |
Selects the Reaping Skill | AdultMajor_Reaping |
Selects the Rocket Science Skill | AdultMajor_RocketScience |
Selects the Singing Skill | AdultMajor_Singing |
Selects the veterinarian skill | AdultMajor_veterinarian |
Selects the Video Gaming Skill | AdultMajor_VideoGaming |
Selects the Violin Skill | AdultMajor_Violin |
Selects the Wellness Skill | AdultMajor_Wellness |
Selects the Writing Skill | AdultMajor_Writing |
Selects Toddler Communication skill (1-5) | skill_level Toddler_Communicaton |
Selects Toddler Imagination skill (1-5) | skill_level Toddler_Imagination |
Selects Toddler Movement skill (1-5) | skill_level Toddler_Movement |
Selects Toddler Potty skill (1-3) | skill_level Toddler_Potty |
Selects Toddler Thinking skill (1-5) | skill_level Toddler_Thinking |
Sets Parenting Skill | stats.set_skill_level AdultMajor_Parenting <value> |
Parenthood Cheats
Effect | Code |
Add Argumentative Trait | traits.equip_trait Argumentative |
Add Bad Manners Trait | traits.equip_trait BadManners |
Add Bear Phase | traits.equip_trait ChildhoodPhase_Bear |
Add Clingy Phase | traits.equip_trait ChildhoodPhase_Clingy |
Add Compassionate Trait | traits.equip_trait Compassionate |
Add Distant Phase | traits.equip_trait ChildhoodPhase_Distant |
Add Emotionally Controlled Trait | traits.equip_trait EmotionalControl |
Add Good Manners Trait | traits.equip_trait GoodManners |
Add Irresponsible Trait | traits.equip_trait Irresponsible |
Add Loud Phase | traits.equip_trait ChildhoodPhase_Loud |
Add Mean Streak Phase | traits.equip_trait ChildhoodPhase_MeanStreak |
Add Mediator Trait | traits.equip_trait Mediator |
Add Picky Eater Phase A | traits.equip_trait ChildhoodPhase_PickyEater_A |
Add Picky Eater Phase B | traits.equip_trait childhoodphase_PickyEater_B |
Add Picky Eater Phase C | traits.equip_trait childhoodphase_PickyEater_C |
Add Picky Eater Phase D | traits.equip_trait childhoodphase_PickyEater_D |
Add Picky Eater Phase E | traits.equip_trait childhoodphase_PickyEater_DisgustedByFood |
Add Picky Eater Phase F | traits.equip_trait childhoodphase_PickyEater_F |
Add Rebellious Phase | traits.equip_trait ChildhoodPhase_Rebellious |
Add Responsible Trait | traits.equip_trait LifeSkills_Responsible |
Add Uncontrolled Trait | traits.equip_trait Uncontrolled |
Add Unfeeling Trait | traits.equip_trait LifeSkills_Unfeeling |
Quickly change the curfew of the current household. Valid values for <time> are 19, 21, and 23. | curfew.set_curfew <time> |
Remove Argumentative Trait | traits.remove_traitArgumentative |
Remove Bad Manners Trait | traits.remove_trait BadManners |
Remove Bear Phase | traits.remove_trait ChildhoodPhase_Bear |
Remove Clingy Phase | traits.remove_trait ChildhoodPhase_Clingy |
Remove Compassionate Trait | traits.remove_trait Compassionate |
Remove Distant Phase | traits.remove_trait ChildhoodPhase_Distant |
Remove Emotionally Controlled Trait | traits.remove_trait EmotionalControl |
Remove Good Manners Trait | traits.remove_trait GoodManners |
Remove Irresponsible Trait | traits.remove_trait Irresponsible |
Remove Loud Phase | traits.remove_trait ChildhoodPhase_Loud |
Remove Mean Streak Phase | traits.remove_trait ChildhoodPhase_MeanStreak |
Remove Mediator Trait | traits.remove_trait Mediator |
Remove Picky Eater Phase A | traits.remove_trait ChildhoodPhase_PickyEater_A |
Remove Picky Eater Phase B | traits.remove_trait childhoodphase_PickyEater_B |
Remove Picky Eater Phase C | traits.remove_trait childhoodphase_PickyEater_C |
Remove Picky Eater Phase D | traits.remove_trait childhoodphase_PickyEater_D |
Remove Picky Eater Phase E | traits.remove_trait childhoodphase_PickyEater_DisgustedByFood |
Remove Picky Eater Phase F | traits.remove_trait childhoodphase_PickyEater_F |
Remove Rebellious Phase | traits.remove_trait ChildhoodPhase_Rebellious |
Remove Responsible Trait | traits.remove_trait LifeSkills_Responsible |
Remove Uncontrolled Trait | traits.remove_traitUncontrolled |
Remove Unfeeling Trait | traits.remove_trait LifeSkills_Unfeeling |
Sets Conflict Resolution Value | <value> should be a value between -100 and 100 | stats.set_stat lifeSkillStatistic_ConflictResolution <value> |
Sets Emotional Control Value | <value> should be a value between -100 and 100 | stats.set_stat lifeSkillStatistic_EmotionalControl <value> |
Sets Empathy Value | <value> should be a value between -100 and 100 | stats.set_stat lifeSkillStatistic_Empathy <value> |
Sets Manners Value | <value> should be a value between -100 and 100 | stats.set_stat lifeSkillStatistic_Manners <value> |
Sets Responsibility Value | <value> should be a value between -100 and 100 | stats.set_stat lifeSkillStatistic_Responsibility <value> |
The Sims 4: Get to Work Perks Cheats
Make sure you are actively using the sim that own said retail store.
Effect | Code |
Additional Employee #1 | bucks.unlock_perk AdditionalWorker_1 true |
Additional Employee #2 | bucks.unlock_perk AdditionalWorker_2 true |
Cheaper Restocking | bucks.unlock_perk DescreaseRestockingCost true |
Curious Shopper | bucks.unlock_perk CustomerBrowseTime true |
Faster Checkouts (large) | bucks.unlock_perk CheckoutSpeed_Large true |
Faster Checkouts (small) | bucks.unlock_perk CheckoutSpeed_Small true |
Faster Restocking (large) | bucks.unlock_perk RestockSpeed_Large true |
Faster Restocking (small) | bucks.unlock_perk RestockSpeed_Small true |
Instant Restocking | bucks.unlock_perk InstantRestock true |
Mega Manager | bucks.unlock_perk ImproveManagementSocials true |
Placard: Fobbs 500 | bucks.unlock_perk StorePlacard_2 true |
Placard: My First Simoleon | bucks.unlock_perk StorePlacard_1 true |
Provocative Pedestal | bucks.unlock_perk PedestalMimic true |
Register of Tomorrow | bucks.unlock_perk RegisterMimic true |
Serious Shopper | bucks.unlock_perk CustomerPurchaseIntent true |
Slick Salesman | bucks.unlock_perk ImproveRetailSocials true |
Snazzy Shirt | bucks.unlock_perk RetailOutfit true |
Stunning Sign | bucks.unlock_perk SignageMimic true |
Superfluous Surplus | bucks.unlock_perk DecreaseRestocking_Temporary true |
Sure Sale | bucks.unlock_perk SureSaleSocial true |
The Sims 4 Cheats PS4

3 years after the release of the PC version, The Sims 4 was also released on PlayStation 4. If you want to use cheats, you have to press R1+R2 L1+L1. The Console will appear on the top left.
Then, type “testingcheats true” to activated cheats. You can choose a code below. Using cheat will disable achievement.
Effect | Code |
$50,000 | Motherlode |
Disable or Enable death. | death.toggle <true/false> |
Edits a sims skill stats. | stats.set_skill_level [skilltype] [1-10] |
Enables the sim editor interaction menu. Press X+O at the same time on the desired sim. | cas.fulleditmode |
The Sims 4 Cheats Xbox One
Besides PS4, The Sims 4 is also released on Xbox One and you can use cheats in this version. Not the same as before, you must in live mode in the family you wish to cheat. Then, press LB, LT, RB, and RT together. After the console appears, type the code.
Effect | Code |
Allows you to use any cheats you might want. | testingcheats on |
Also gives 1,000 Simoleons | rosebud |
Give 50,000 Simoleons | motherlode |
Gives 1,000 Simoleons | kaching |
Replace # as your household’s Simoleons to a specific amount | Money # |
Make Sims Happy
Effect | Code |
Fills all of the commodities for all Sims in household | stats.fill_commodities_household |
Skill Editing
When console appear, type in stats.set_skill_level [skilltype] [1-10]. You can check the list below.
Effect | Code |
Sets Bartending Skill at level 10 | Major_Bartending 10 |
Sets Charisma Skill at level 10 | Major_Charisma 10 |
Sets Comedy Skill at level 10 | Major_Comedy 10 |
Sets Cooking Skill at level 10 | Major_HomestyleCooking 10 |
Sets Creativity Skill at level 10 | Skill_Child_Creativity (Child/Toddler only) 10 |
Sets DJ Skill at level 10 | Major_Dj 10 |
Sets Fishing Skill level at 10 | Major_Fishing 10 |
Sets Fitness Skill at level 10 | Skill_Fitness 10 |
Sets Gaming Skill at level 10 | Major_VideoGaming (no space between video and gaming is required) |
Sets Gardening Skill at level @0 | Major_Gardening 10 |
Sets Gourmet Cooking Skill at level 10 | Major_GourmetCooking 10 (no space between gourmet and cooking is required) |
Sets Guitar Skill at level 10 | Major_Guitar 10 |
Sets Handiness Skill at level 10 | Major_Handiness 10 |
Sets Logic Skill at level 10 | Major_Logic 10 |
Sets Mental Skill at level 10 | Skill_Child_Mental (Child/Toddler only) 10 |
Sets Mischief Skill at level 10 | Major_Mischief 10 |
Sets Motor Skill at level 10 | Skill_Child_Motor (Child/Toddler only) 10 |
Sets Painting Skill at level 10 | Major_Painting 10 |
Sets Piano Skill at level 10 | Major_Piano 10 |
Sets Programing Skill at level 10 | Major_Programming 10 |
Sets Reaping Skill at level 10 | Major_Reaping 10 |
Sets Rocket Science Skill at level 10 | Major_RocketScience 10 |
Sets Social Skill at level 10 | Skill_Child_Social (Child/Toddler only) 10 |
Sets Violin Skill at level 10 | Major_Violin 10 |
Sets Writing Skill at level 10 | Major_Writing 10 |
So, there are The Sims 4 Cheats on PC, PS4 and Xbox One. We also have GTA 5 cheats and so on. Please comment below and don’t forget to visit Wowkia again.