Valheim burst onto the gaming scene in 2021, captivating millions with its charming retro graphics, affordable price, and absence of microtransactions, loot boxes, or downloadable content. Adding to its appeal, the game was created by the talented team at Iron Gate Studios, a group of digital Vikings based in Sweden, which enhances the game’s authentic Norse atmosphere.
While the Vikings once roamed a harsh and unforgiving world, players in Valheim can navigate their challenges with the help of various cheats. These helpful tools can ease the struggle of survival, although we can’t promise that you won’t attract Odin’s ire by using them. Continue reading to discover how to outsmart the gods in Valheim!
How to use cheat in Valheim
Activating cheats in Valheim, whether you’re playing on Steam or through Game Pass, isn’t as straightforward as entering a code in an in-game menu. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to enable Vallheim cheats for both platforms.
For the Steam version, you’ll need to activate the in-game console by setting it as a launch option in Steam.
- Right-click Valheim in your Steam library
- Select Properties
- In the General tab, look for the Launch Options field
- In it, type -console
- Close the General tab
For Game Pass, you’ll also have to activate the in-game console.
- Navigate to the game’s installation folder. Typically, it’s C:\XboxGames\Valheim\Content
- In that folder, find Valheim.exe
- Right-click Valheim.exe and select Create shortcut
- Drag the shortcut to your desktop or preferred location
- Right-click the shortcut and select Properties
- In the Shortcut tab, add -console to the end of the Target field
- Click Apply, then click OK
- Launch the game from the shortcut
Full of list Valheim Cheat Codes (Gameplay)

Cheat Code | Effect |
freefly | Freefly Photo Mode. |
ffsmooth | Freefly smoothness. |
location | Spawn location. |
goto [x,z] | Teleport to entered coordinates. |
exploremap | Explore entire map. |
resetmap | Reset map exploration. |
genloc | Regerates all locations. |
resetspawn | Resets spawn location. |
find [text] [pingmax] | Searches loaded objects and a location list matching the name of the object and pings it on the map (up to a maximum area). |
tod [0-1] | Sets time of day. Both 0 and 1 will give you midnight, whereas 0.5 gives you noon. |
tod -1 | Resets time of day to default. |
skiptime [seconds] | Skips forward in time, allowing you to change the day number and time of day. |
wind [angle 0-360] [intensity 0-1] | Sets wind to a specific angle and intensity. |
optterrain | Optimize old terrain modifications |
resetwind | Resets wind angle and intensity. |
sleep | Skips forward one day. |
removedrops | Remove all item drops in area. |
forcedelete [radius] [name] | Force removes all of a certain objects in a given radius. |
players [num] | Sets difficulty scaling based on the number of players (0 = Reset). |
tame | Tames all nearby tamable animals. |
killall | Kills all nearby enemies. |
event [name] | Starts the named event. |
stopevent | Stops the current event. |
setkey [name] | Sets a new global key. |
resetkeys [name] | Resets the specified key. |
listkeys | Lists all the global keys. |
env [env] | Sets debug environment. |
resetenv | Resets the debug environment. |
dpsdebbug | Toggles the damage-per-second debug overlay on/off. |
debugmode | Turns on Creative Mode:Press Z to fly.Press K to kill all enemies in the area.Press B to repair any items without a workbench, as well as place items wherever you like. |
Valheim cheat codes (characters)

Cheat Code | Effect |
god | Enables God mode, making you invincible to damage. |
ghost | Enables Ghost, makes you invisible to enemies. |
heal | Fully heals your character. |
puke | Resets hunger, restores default health and stamina. |
pos | Print your current position. |
hair | Permanently removes hair. |
beard | Permanently removes beard. |
model [0/1] | Switches your character between masculine and feminine bodies. |
reset character | Resets your character’s data. |
raise skill [skill] [amount] | Raises a specific skill’s level. |
reset skill [skill] | Resets a specific skill to 0. |
addstatus [status] | Adds a status effect (Burning, cold, rested, etc.) |
clearstatus | Clears all status effects |
die | Kills the player |
nocost | Building has no cost |
nomap | Disables the map for the character |
setpower | Sets your current guardian power and resets its cooldown. |
Valheim console commands

Console Command | Effect |
help | Lists all commands. |
info | Prints the system’s information. |
save | Forces a world save. |
ping | Shows your ping, or connection stability. |
kick [name/ip/userID] | Kicks a specific player from the server. |
ban [name/ip/userID] | Bans a specific player from the server. |
unban [name/ip/userID] | Unbans a banned player. |
banned | Shows the current ban list. |
lodbias [0-5] | Sets draw difference for the server. |
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source: Gamerode