Eevee is one of the coolest Pokemon. It’s one of the cutest of the original Red/Blue/Green generation of Pokemon games. But the coolest thing is how it evolves. Eevee can evolve into more different Pokemon than any other species discovered so far. And of course, that carries over to Pokemon Go.
To evolve your Pokemon in Pokemon Go, you have to farm candy through walking with, catching and transferring them. For Eevee, that’s 25 Eevee Candy. There are seven evolutions for Eevee in the game. Let’s have a look.
Eevee Evolutions in Pokemon Go

The seven Eevee evolutions are:
- Vaporeon (water-type) from generation 1
- Jolteon (lightning-type) from generation 1
- Flareon (fire-type) from generation 1
- Umbreon (dark-type) from generation 2
- Espeon (psychic-type) from generation 2
- Leafeon (grass-type) from generation 3
- Glaceon (ice-type) from generation 3
Unfortunately, you can’t get Sylveon just yet. It’ll be a while since Sylveon is from generation 6.
How to Evolve Eevee into Specific Evolution by Renaming
Eevee Evolution is meant to be a random process in Pokemon Go. Once you press evolve on an Eevee, you have a random chance of getting one of the original eeveelutions.
However, you can actually force a specific evolution by renaming your Eevee of choice to a special nickname. So, basically, all you have to do is rename your Eevee to a specific name and then evolve it the regular way by spending 25 candy. Here are the names and the Eevee Evolutions.
- Rainer, to evolve into water-type Vaporeon
- Sparky, to evolve into lightning-type Jolteon
- Pyro, to evolve into fire-type Flareon
- Tamao, to evolve into dark-type Umbreon
- Sakura, to evolve into psychic-type Espeon
- Linnea, to evolve into leaf-type Leafeon
- Rea, to evolve into ice-type Glaceon
The trick only works once per evolution type, so make sure you choose Eevees with the best CP values before you evolve them. If you don’t want to spend your chance to evolve Eevee this way, there are a few alternatives you can try.
How to Evolve Eevee using In-Game Method
By using these eeveelution methods, you can still use the renaming method later. You can do the methods below as much as you like.
Total Time: 30 minutes
Evolving into Espeon and Umbreon
First, you need to build a relationship with your Eevee. Set it as your buddy Pokemon and walk at least 10km with them. Once done, the Eevee is ready to evolve into either Espeon or Umbreon. Just evolve in the day for Espeon and night for Umbreon.
Luring Glaceon and Leafeon
You’ll need the Glacial Lure and the Mossy Lure. These two new types of Lure Module are available in the shop. These lures exist to make you more able to catch different Pokemon. Simply place one of the lures in a Pokestop, Mossy Lure for luring Leafeon, and Glacial Lure for luring Glaceon.
That’s how you can get Eevee evolutions in Pokemon Go. Have fun exploring the eeveelutions. And also stay tuned with Wowkia for other game news and guides.