previously due to the spread of the Covid-19 Virus around the world. WHO (World Health Organization) announced that the world is in a pandemic condition. But right on March 29, 2022, because the world situation has improved, WHO changed the condition of a Pandemic into an Endemic.
Most people use the term Pandemic more often because that’s what’s already happening. But now that condition has changed to Endemic which has the other meaning. Because of that, you need to know the difference between Pandemic and Endemic.
Endemic Versus Pandemic, What’s The Difference?

A pandemic is a condition that is international in nature, out of control, or widespread. For example, the spread of the Covid-19 Virus that occurred throughout the world.
Endemic is a condition for the occurrence of a disease in a particular population or area. an infectious disease in an area or group of people. Examples of endemic diseases that have ever existed are malaria, dengue fever (DHF), and also Covid-19.
A simple way to know the difference is to remember that a Pandemic is an Endemic that spreads.
Are we Safe Now?

Just because the world conditions have changed from Pandemic to Endemic, it doesn’t mean we are safe now. Because the Covid-19 Virus still exists and can spread at any time if we don’t take the following steps to stay healthy:
- Wash your hands often with soap and water, if necessary use hand sanitizer.
- Make sure not to touch your mouth or nose if you haven’t cleaned or washed your hands.
- When coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue.
- Avoid crowded places. If you can stay at home for health.
- Disinfect household surfaces regularly.
- Use a mask when leaving the house.
- Practice social distancing when leaving the house.
So that’s all the information about the difference between Pandemic and Endemic can give to you. If there are questions or other things that you want to tell, you can write them in the comments below.