In the world of Minecraft, mobs refer to the various living beings that inhabit the game. These creatures, which range from endearing to hostile, can be found across the diverse biomes of this pixelated universe. They engage with players, other mobs, and their environment, whether it’s a zombie banging on your door or chickens clucking in your farmyard.
The inclusion of these Minecraft mobs is a key factor in making the game one of the greatest PC experiences ever, adding layers of excitement and interaction, whether they’re friendly or foe. These entities are influenced by the same environmental factors as players, meaning they can experience events like catching fire or drowning.
Players can use weapons to attack and eliminate these mobs, which, when defeated, yield valuable resources and experience points. Hostile mobs often drop rare items, enhancing the thrill of the game. Although players can expand their gameplay with various Minecraft mods that introduce new mobs, here is a comprehensive list of all the mobs currently available in the vanilla version of the game, along with those that have been announced for future updates.
Types of Mobs in Minecraft
Mobs in Minecraft are programmed to show a fixed behavior towards the players. With that in mind, we have divided the mobs into three broad categories:
- Passive Mobs: These mobs never attack the players
- Neutral Mobs: These mobs attack the players only when triggered.
- Hostile Mobs: These mobs are aggressive towards the players by default.
1. Passive Minecraft mobs
In Minecraft, passive mobs are creatures that won’t harm you and will often run away if you try to attack them. These friendly animals can reproduce, so you might come across adorable baby versions of them in their habitats.
Many passive mobs, such as horses, can be tamed, provided they haven’t already been domesticated. Additionally, the villagers and traders found in Minecraft villages contribute to the community. Other useful farm animals, like sheep and cows, offer valuable resources such as wool and milk.
- Sheep
- Cow
- Fox
- Bat
- Chicken
- Cod
- Ocelot
- Pig
- Baby Piglin
- Baby polar bear
- Snow golem
- Rabbit
- Salmon
- Mooshroom
- Squid
- Strider
- Tropical fish
- Turtle
- Villager
- Wandering trader
- Pufferfish
- Axolotl
- Glow Squid
- Frog
- Camel
- Donkey
- Horse
- Cat
- Parrot
- Mule
- Skeleton horse
- Allay
2. Neutral Minecraft mobs
When playing Minecraft, you’ll find that neutral mobs can become hostile if you provoke them, which can be advantageous for acquiring item drops or experience points. For instance, wolves will go after smaller creatures like rabbits or sheep, while llamas tend to exhibit aggression towards wild wolves. Additionally, you can spot Minecraft bees in flower forests and plains, or you can create your own beehives using wood planks and honeycomb.
- Dolphin
- Polar bear
- Trader llama
- Llama
- Panda
- Wolf
- Bee
- Iron Golem
- Goat
- Spider
- Cave Spider
- Enderman
- Zombie Pigman
- Piglin
- Zombified Piglin
3. Hostile Minecraft mobs
In Minecraft, players encounter various hostile mobs that pose a threat due to their aggressive nature. These entities will attack when you are within a certain distance, typically around 16 blocks, provided there are no barriers obstructing their view.
Interestingly, some mobs possess the ability to sense players from as far as 100 blocks away. For instance, flying creatures like the Minecraft Phantom appear above and dive down to strike. Among these hostile mobs, boss mobs stand out because they have a greater detection range and significantly more health, including formidable foes like the Minecraft Ender Dragon and the Minecraft Wither.
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source: Gamerode