The Ms Marvel Review Bomb is one of those things that is bad news for MCU fans right now. Those things happen on big platforms but are done on purpose. While Ms Marvel Rotten Tomatoes scores well, on IMDb, it’s the other way around. So, why did it happen now, what is the reason?
No one else can include us in proving it with facts or guesses, but we can discuss it. It does not prove the news that justifies this, but maybe the three that we will discuss here can answer, even though they are not 100% correct or only 50%. So, just take a look at some assumptions for it here.
About Ms Marvel Review Bomb
Across all the Marvel film series, we can see a lot of them getting great reviews, and what’s happening on one or two other platforms. Usually, when Rotten Tomatoes gets a good response, the same thing happened on IMDb, but this time it didn’t happen to Ms. Marvel.
What was the real reason that made him like this? Maybe you can predict ahead of time, but here are things, you can relate your opinion to these three things. The reason why Ms Marvel Review Bomb happened here:
1. Ms Marvel Rotten Tomatoes

On Rotten Tomatoes, this series received more than 80% good response from Audience scores, and more than 90% by selected reviewers or we can call it Tomatometer. In fact, as of today which is June 10, 2022, viewers for this series awarded more than 85% good scores.
While on the red platform it got great reviews, the opposite happened on IMDb. Within days, there were so many reviews being bombed that it scored badly for the series there.
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Because Adults Hate It, Maybe!
People were only awarded one of ten scores to choose from. There are three reasons for this, but we’ll start with the first one, which is about adults feeling this bad and not fitting for them.
Starting from the vibe, cinematography and many other things, maybe you also feel the same. But it must be natural because the target of this series is teenagers and children who are still growing up and have great curiosity and a fresh sense of imitation.
This reasoning is based on several people and reviewers from many platforms, especially TikTok. Yesterday, there was a reviewer who told me about this series that can still be watched, but it is not suitable for adults. No dark undertones, deep tones, or a particularly sad story, but at least that’s for now.
When compared to other series that have ended recently, as you are currently living, one of which is Moon Knight, it will feel very different and contradictory. If you understand what that means, that’s the reason why the Ms Marvel Review Bomb happened.
But, to be honest, it made sense to us since the teenager was an innocent girl and person who just got power from random things. At least for now, maybe if one day her grandmother’s story is told, something bad or sad can come our way.
But then again, this is just a prediction, for a reasonable person, they can choose to ignore it. In your opinion, is this the real reason why the Ms Marvel Review Bomb happened? Or something else.
2. Due to Big Change
The second prediction problem is about the change in the strength of Ms. Marvel between this live-action and comic books as source material. But for those of you who think like that, understand that this happens because Mister Fantastic has almost the same abilities, so people can compare the two. To avoid arguing about it, change has to happen.
Throughout Wednesday, the show’s IMDb page was flooded with negative reviews almost to the point that one-star reviews beat 10-star reviews at one point. You can imagine, of the 40 reviews that have been submitted with 1,400 one-star ratings as of this writing, most of the criticism seems to be related to the change in character strength, although some of them seem to refer to Captain Marvel in the film review.
But maybe, if this is proven with the right things, IMDb can wipe out the bad reviews that happened with a deliberate act. The same situation happened with the first Captain Marvel movie that got bad reviews on purpose. And it happened on Rotten Tomatoes, the platform voted to remove 50,000 reviews that violated its rules.
For the case of Ms. Marvel, negative reviews of the series account for nearly 25 percent of all reviews submitted on IMDb. It doesn’t make sense to us that, on two popular review platforms, the differences are so vast.
In one viewer’s view, we were able to garner several responses, among which it said that people who voted bad reviews for intentional actions were idiots. This guy says why can’t they watch the show, and ends without any hate.
Others said the same response in different words, and just said it was funny, and said why people can’t just enjoy the show. They very much regret it about Ms Marvel Review Bomb.
3. Because Hate Muslims, Maybe (Warning)

The final prediction why this series was bombed with bad reviews is because there are religious issues. But for this, we just think based on social media there are people who say that they are a bit annoyed with the Muslim element.
But on the other hand, there are Muslims who feel disturbed by the Islam presented in this series. This isn’t propaganda, it’s because some people feel the most right in their opinion.
Everyone who does that is part of the bad guys and thinks what they think should be shown by giving a negative response together. If that sounds weird to you, don’t worry. This is clearly a bomb review situation. If this is true, Ms Marvel Review Bomb is the most important and noteworthy for the next Marvel Studios.
But it’s very likely true about the changes that have angered comic book fans. We mean, the real reason behind all of this is because the power of change or something else that undergoes change is different when compared to the original source.
But again, getting religion into the MCU in the form of a 16-year-old Muslim girl Brown is a problem. But, you know, when Steve Rogers talks about God, that’s fine. In your opinion, is this the real reason why the Ms Marvel Review Bomb happened? Or something else.
Reasons Based on Reviews on IMDb
Several bomb reviews aim to criticize the Ms.Marvel series which is considered to have a bad story with color tone collaborations that are too childish. In your opinion, is this the real reason why the Ms Marvel Review Bomb happened? Or something else.
While others criticized that the story from the first episode of the Ms. Marvel series was very bad because the power that Kamala Khan had in this series did not match the comic version. The plan is that this series will have 6 episodes. Where the entire episode will be a bridge from the film The Marvels which will be the meeting place for Kamala Khan and her idol, Carol Danvers.
Actually, What is a Bomb Review?
For those who don’t know, a review bomb is when a large number of people on the internet conspire against a series of products for one reason or another to leave a lot of negative reviews about it. More often than not, those reviews are not guaranteed.
They are usually due to some political or ideological point of view that some people oppose. Sometimes, they are downright hateful. The strongest reason to make the Ms Marvel Review Bomb happen.
For example, recently, the new Obi-Wan Kenobi series Star Wars was bombed with reviews after Lucasfilm called out viewers for posting racist messages to actress Moses Ingram via Instagram. His co-stars also supported him, and the audience didn’t like him. So they bombed it.
After all, about Ms Marvel Review Bomb, what do you think is the real reason for this? Come on, tell us. If your friends might be interested in this, just share it with those who also love the MCU.