If you’re looking to dominate in Age of Empires 2, consider exploring these cheats for the Definitive Edition to gain access to an abundance of resources like money and food, or even a Shelby Cobra.
While relying on cheats may not be the most honorable approach, they can add a fun twist to the game when you want to step away from serious gameplay and experiment with creating an unstoppable empire.
These cheat codes are compatible with various versions, including the original Age of Empires 2: The Age of Kings, Age of Empires 2: HD Edition, and the Definitive Edition, with some differences noted below. Here’s a comprehensive list of cheat codes for Age of Empires 2 that can help elevate your civilization’s chances of success.
In this guide, you will discover a comprehensive list of Age of Empires 2 cheats along with their respective effects.
How to use cheat in Age of Empires 2
Fortunately, utilizing cheats in Age of Empires 2 is incredibly straightforward. To activate them while playing, all you need to do is press Enter to bring up a text input box, type in the desired cheat code, and hit Enter again to execute it.
The cheat codes for Age of Empires 2 are not sensitive to capitalization, so as long as you maintain the proper spelling and spacing as indicated in the list below, they will function correctly. Keep in mind that if you’re enjoying Age of Empires 2: HD Edition, employing these cheats will disable many of the in-game achievements, which is something to consider if you care about earning those rewards.
Full of list Age of Empires 2 cheat codes

Cheat Code | Effect |
cheese steak jimmy’s | Grants 10,000 Food |
robin hood | Grants 10,000 Gold |
lumberjack | Grants 10,000 Wood |
rock on | Grants 10,000 Stone |
ninjaconnor | Grants 100,000 of ALL resources |
aegis | Toggle instant building, research, gathering and training |
i r winner | Win campaign |
resign | Lose campaign |
torpedo(1-8) | Instantly defeat specific player |
black death | Defeat all OTHER players, including allies |
wimpywimpywimpy | Player concedes for immediate defeat |
noui | Toggles visible UI |
!mute | Silences taunts |
!nomute | Unsilences taunts and negates above code |
marco | Reveal map (toggle on/off) |
polo | Remove Fog of War (toggle on/off) |
Going Above and Beyond | Lets player research the same technology repeatedly |
Tech Tech One Two Free | Makes technologies free |
woof woof | Turns birds into Stormy Dogs |
natural wonders | Lose control of player’s civilization, but gain control of nature |
Put on your capes | Turns all player’s infantry units into Elite Teutonic Knights |
Yes We Khan | Turns all player’s Mangudai units into Ghengis Khan |
alpaca simulator | Creates Alfred the Alpaca unit |
catzor | Creates Sharkatzor unit |
furious the monkey boy | Creates Furious the Monkey Boy unit |
how do you turn this on | Creates Shelby Cobra unit |
i don’t exist | Creates Penguin unit |
i love the monkey head | Creates VMDL unit |
photon man | Creates Photon Man unit |
to smithereeens | Creates Saboteur unit |
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source: Gamerode