Genshin Impact is an open-world action role-playing game that is currently being a trending game nowadays. Before, Wowkia shared an article about Genshin Impact: Classes of Weapons Guide. Bow became one of those which was mentioned.
Now, wowkia will discuss the 5 best bows in Genshin Impact Part 1. We will discuss them in the following parts.
5 Best Bows in Genshin Impact Part 1
1.Amo’s Bow

Amo’s Bow is one of most favorite bow weapons. It is able to inflict massive damage to the enemy. Basically, it has a base attack of 46 and it can increase by 10.8%. Furthermore, the attack damage can increase by 12 %. It also can gain the damage of attacks by an extra 8% for every 0.1 seconds and can accumulate five times.
When you succeed to upgrade it into level five, the attack percent is raised to 24%, and the damage raised to 16%.
2.Skyward Harp

Skyward Harp is a perfect bow in Genshin Impact for critical damage. Basically, It has a base attack of 48 with a critical rate of 4.8%. When you are using it, you will increase the critical damage by 20%, and its attacks will have a 60% chance of doing 125% AoE damage every four seconds.
When you succeed to upgrade it into level five, the critical damage will raise to 40%. Your hits have a 100% chance to cause 125% damage every 2 seconds.
3.The Stringless

Stringless is a recommended bow in Genshin Impact for elemental powerhouses. Basically, It has a base attack of 42 and an elemental mastery of 4.8%. When you are equipping it, the elemental and burst damage will have a chance to increase by 24%. It can inflict a massive amount of damage.
When you upgrade it into level five, the critical damage will be up to 40% and the damage increases by 48%.

The Rust is a bow in Genshin Impact for pairing with DPS (Damage per Second). Basically, it has a base attack of 42 and can gain by 9. The special ability of Rust is can raise the normal attack damage by 40% but it can reduce the aimed shoot damage by 10%.
When successfully upgraded into level five, the damage raises to 80%. But, the stays decreases by 10%.
5.Sacrificial Bow

The sacrificial bow has a base attack of 44 and an energy recharge of 6.7%. When you are using an elemental shot, you get a 40% chance of CD ending every 30 seconds.
So, that is an article about 5 Best Bows in Genshin Impact Part 1. Next, Wowkia will share part 2 soon, and if you are interested in following these or if you have any opinion, please write in the comment section.