As we know, Call of Duty Warzone is a game that often gets bugs or glitches. Because of this, many players were upset. However, not all glitches in this game make the players feel annoyed.
Because there is a glitch where it can put three players in one Gulag match. Due to this glitch, many players were surprised that there were “ghosts” in their matches.
Yep, the 3v3 firefight didn’t happen here. If that happened, Gulag would definitely be a very deadly place. Given that Gulag is a fairly narrow place, of course, it feels like fighting against 3 people in one tight place will be very unsettling.

For those of you who haven’t felt this experience, calm down because there was a player named Minimus Max who posted clips of the Gulag moments online. As you can see, when the game is just starting, there is “someone” beside Max. You see, it looks like the “person” didn’t see Max there. So, because of this, maybe that person is just a “ghost” from the previous Gulag match.
VIDEO: Call of Duty Warzone Glitch
However, because this was illogical, many players felt confused. That is why there have been many posts in the Call of Duty Warzone group regarding the Glitch, which made three players in one Gulag match.
Besides, for those of you who don’t like the Call of Duty Warzone glitch that makes things weird in this Gulag match, you should tell the game developer, namely Raven Software or the publisher of this game, namely Activision.
Apart from all that, with the various glitches of this game, hopefully, the developers will focus more on fixing bugs first rather than adding new content to the Call of Duty Warzone game.