Before the popularity of GTA 5, Rockstar released the GTA 4 game for fans in 2008. In this game, you can act as the main character, Niko Bellic. Like other Grand Theft Auto games, GTA 4 also has many cheats that you can use.
GTA 4 was first released on PS3 and Xbox 360. After that, the PC version can be played via Steam. Now, Rockstar Games also provides an Xbox one version. So, Wowkia will give you the list of GTA IV cheats on all platforms and how to use them.

GTA 4 Cheats List
- Max Health & Armor: Dial 362-555-0100
- Max Health, Armor and Ammo: Dial 482-555-0100
- Weapons 1: Dial 486-555-0150
Knife, Molotovs, Pistol, Pump Shotgun, Micro SMG, Assault Rifle, Combat Sniper, RPG - Weapons 2: Dial 486-555-0100
Grants Baseball Bat, Grenades, Combat Pistol, Combat Shotgun, SMG, Carbine Rifle, Combat Sniper, RPG - Remove Wanted Level: Dial 267-555-0100
- Raise Wanted Level: Dial 267-555-0150
- Change Weather: Dial 468-555-0100
- Spawn Annihilator Helicopter: Dial 359-555-0100
- Spawn Banshee: Dial 265-555-2423
- Spawn Cognoscenti: Dial 227-555-0142
- Spawn Comet: Dial 227-555-0175
- Spawn Buffalo: Dial 227-555-0100
- Spawn Jetmax: Dial 938-555-0100
- Spawn NRG-900: Dial 625-555-0100
- Spawn Sanchez: Dial 625-555-0150
- Spawn SuperGT: Dial 227-555-0168
- Spawn Turismo: Dial 227-555-0147

Lost and Damned Cheat Codes
- Spawn Burrito: Dial 826-555-0150
- Spawn Double T: Dial 245-555-0125
- Spawn Hakuchou: Dial 245-555-0199
- Spawn Hexer: Dial 245-555-0150
- Spawn Innovation: Dial 245-555-0100
- Spawn Slamvan: Dial 826-555-0100
The Ballad of Gay Tony Cheat Codes
- Explosive Sniper Rounds: Dial 486-555-2526
- Super Punch: Dial 276-555-2666
- Spawn Akuma: Dial 625-555-0200
- Spawn APC: Dial 272-555-8265
- Spawn Bullet GT: Dial 227-555-9666
- Spawn Buzzard: Dial 359-555-2899
- Spawn Floater: Dial 938-555-0150
- Spawn Parachute: Dial 359-555-7272
- Spawn Vader: Dial 625-555-3273
How to Activate GTA 4 Cheats
Total Time: 2 minutes
Make A New Save
Using cheat will disable Archievement and Trophies in GTA 4. You need to make a new save before using them.
Choose the Cheat
GTA 4 has many cheats that can be used. You can choose one from our list.
Open Cell Phone
You have to pull out Niko’s cellphone to make a cheat. Hold the Up button on the D-pad or keyboards.
Dial Cheat
In this game, you can make calls with certain numbers as a code. After entering the cellphone, dial the cheat.
Cheat Activated
By following the steps above, you will get a cheat notification that has been activated.
So, there is the list of GTA 4 Cheats on all platforms and how to use them. If you play GTA 5, go check the cheats now