One of the hardest to find in Pokemon Go is Ditto, the shape shifting critter. It is an absolute key in the game. And that’s despite it not being the sort of Pokemon that could ever rank on the best Pokemon Tier lists.
Ditto can’t be obtained easily as like others. It can’t be hatched from eggs, has never shown up as a raid reward and isn’t often found as a field research quest reward. As such, you’ll need to know how to catch Ditto and how to find Ditto in the wild. Read on to know how.
How to find Ditto in the wild and catch it
Catch the Pokemon that Ditto is hiding as

Keep an eye for Pokemon with a lower CP than usual

For your information, Ditto spawn rate is pretty small. So you can’t expect to get it in a short time. And by knowing that, we can say that it’s impossible to farm. So don’t sweat it too much, and be ready when you see one from the Ditto list. Here they are.
Pokemon Go Ditto List
This is the list of all Pokemon Ditto currently can appear as. Last Updated on September 4, 2019.
- Venonat (Gen 1)
- Paras (Gen 1)
- Hoothoot (Gen 2)
- Ledyba (Gen 2)
- Yanma (Gen 2)
- Remoraid (Gen 2)
- Whismur (Gen 3)
- Gulpin (Gen 3)
These are the Pokemon that Ditto can be hiding as in Pokemon Go. Go catch them. If they’re Ditto, it’ll reveal itself!