Call of Duty Modern: Warfare players make Nuke trend on Twitter. It happens due to this hilarious reason involving a poll held by FaZe Clan. The word “Nuke” is trending on Twitter thanks to Call of Duty players’ responses to a recent FaZe Clan poll. The poll asks players which of the four outcomes below are most satisfying to achieve, and it seems that most agree on Modern Warfare’s nuke taking the place.
How to get a nuke in Call of Duty?
The Tactical Nuke originated in Modern Warfare 2, where Call of Duty players could use it after achieving a 25 kill kill-streak to instantly win the game. It returns in Modern Warfare, albeit with a 30 kill-streak requirement, and is just as glorious. Players that actually manage to get a crazy kill streak like this will secure victory for their team. Of course it could happen with a lot of experiences and practice, but this is really fun to do and could finally achieve it feels crazy.

When you hit 20 kills, a nuke will become available. Using it will open a briefcase computer and call down the nuke, but it’s worth clarifying that this doesn’t end the game. In prior COD titles a nuke has meant the end of the match, but a COD Mobile nuke simply wipes out everyone on the enemy team, then the match carries on.
Fornite’s victory royale screen and Valorant also Warzone victory screens were all possible options. While some did choose those, an overwhelming majority are in favor of the tactical nuke victory. It makes sense, as though all of these are difficult to do, the nuke by far the is the most challenging.
For the average player, however, an accomplishment such as this may be out of reach forever. Experiences needed, and your gameplay is the one which could takes you to this. What do you think? Leave a comment below to let us know you’ve get this opportunity of experiencing the Tactical Nuke.