The top Skyrim cheats offer a unique opportunity to customize your journey through Tamriel. Utilizing Skyrim console commands can assist you in various ways, whether you want to summon items, enhance your skills, or modify your gameplay experience.
Although it may take time to fully explore everything Skyrim has to offer, the past ten years have allowed many players to immerse themselves in the epic tales of the Dragonborn. Fortunately, these cheats provide an enjoyable method to reinvigorate your gameplay and discover new facets of the game.
How to use console commands in Skyrim
Similar to many PC games, you can activate a Skyrim console command by pressing the tilde key (~). This action will bring up the developer console, allowing you to input the specific command codes listed below. Once you’ve entered your desired code, simply press the tilde key again to close the console and return to your gameplay. Typically, unless otherwise noted, re-entering the same code will deactivate the command.
You can activate multiple cheats at once in Skyrim, allowing for a variety of effects to be combined. However, exercise caution when using these cheats, as certain combinations may lead to glitches, disrupt ongoing quests, or even crash your game.
To avoid losing your progress, it’s advisable to create a backup save file before experimenting with these Skyrim cheats. No one wants to face the frustration of a corrupted save in such a vast game. Additionally, keep in mind that entering these codes will disable your achievements, so you won’t be able to cheat your way through any challenges you might be aiming to complete.
Best Skyrim cheat codes

Listed below are some of the best and most useful console commands to use in Skyrim:
Code | Effect |
tcl | Noclip |
tcai | Toggle Combat Artificial Intelligence (freezes enemy combat AI) |
tai | Toggle Artificial Intelligence (enemies are frozen) |
tgm | Enables God mode with infinite stamina, magika and carry weight |
tdetect | Turn off or on AI detection (you won’t ever get caught stealing) |
addshout [shoutID] | Add Shout with its corresponding ID eg addshout FUS for Force Shout |
player.modAV carryweight [#] | Change your carry weight |
player.additem [Item ID] [#] | Adds any item and how many you want to your inventory |
player.advskill [skill] [#] | Add skill points to any skill. Skills are denoted by their in-game names other than Archery (marskman) and Speech (speechcraft) |
player.advlevel | Level up (no perk points) |
player.setcrimegold [#] | Change your current bounty. If you set it to 0 it will be cleared |
player.placeatme [Item/NPC ID] [#] | Spawn specific NPCs and how many you want at your location (great for making big battles) |
Full list of Skyrim cheat codes

Hit “~” to bring up the command prompt and then type the code.
Effect | Code |
Add an item to your inventory with 1-2 enchantments of your choice. Magnitude based on enchanting skill, 100=100%. | playerenchantobject <object ID> <MGEF ID #1> <MGEF ID #2> |
Add levels to your skills | AdvancePCSkill (skillname) # |
Add perk (ie Light fingers is 00018E6A) | player.addperk ######## |
Adds dragon’s souls to your pool, allowing you to improve your shouts. | Player.modav Dragonsouls # |
Adjust field of view (insert fov value as x ) | fov x |
Advances the targeted skill by xxx amount | advskill <skill> # |
All Spells | psb |
Change scale of player; 1 is normal | player.setscale # |
Changes ownership of target so you can safely take without stealing | Setownership |
Changes your gender | SexChange |
Complete all Quest Stages | caqs |
Duplicate items (click container\NPC and copy the RefID) | duplicateallitems |
Fast travel to location, e.g. coc Riverwood | COC <location> |
Find npc id (e.g help dragon) | help x |
Freeflying camera | tfc |
Give player item (i.e. gold is 0000000f, lockpicks are 0000000a) | player.additem [ItemNumber] # |
Gives the ID for the companion or NPC | help “NPC Name” 4 |
God mode | TGM |
Gold Claw | player.additem 000999e7 1 |
Increase Burden by # | player.modav burden # |
Increase your Level | AdvancePCLevel |
increases movement speed where X is a percentage multiplier (eg. player.setav speedmult 250) | player.setav speedmult X |
Kill enemy (Must select with arrow first) | Kill |
Kills all hostiles in your immediate vicinity | killall |
quits the game instantly | qqq |
Removes all items of selected NPC | removeallitems |
Removes selected object from your game | markfordelete |
Reset NPC to original inventory. | resetinventory |
Restores targetted NPC’s HP to Full | resethealth |
Restores the player’s HP to Full | player.resethealth |
Resurrects targeted dead | Resurrect |
Sapphire Dragon Claw | player.additem 00663d7 1 |
savegame [name of file] | saves game with “name of file” |
Search by the keyword, the number is what mode to search by. Modes are listed by help every time you use it. | help keyword # |
Set Carry Weight | player.modav carryweight # |
Set character’s fame. | player.modav fame # |
Set character’s infamy. | player.modav infamy # |
Set health | player.setav Health # |
Set it high if you want to fight, set it at 0 if you want to be free. | player.setcrimegold X |
Set Magicka | player.setav Magicka # |
Set Player Level | player.setlevel # |
Set Stamina | player.setav Stamina # |
Sets skill to # level without leveling character. | player.setav *skillname* # |
Sets the maximum percentage for a successful pickpocket to 100%. | setgs fpickpocketmaxchance 100 |
Sets the NPC corresponding to the ID essential | setessential <ID> 1 |
Sets the pickpocket success rate to 100% (Does not bypass the maximum set by the game. Use with set maximum pickpocket percentagege for best results). | setgs fpickpocketminchance 100 |
Sets the refractive value of the target. 0.0= normal, 0.000001= invisible,1.0 = full refraction | STR # |
Show Race Menu | showracemenu |
Show/hide all map markers 1=show 0=hide | tmm 1/0 |
Spawns an NPC at your location. (Replace X with NPC ID) | player.placeatme X |
starts all quests, *NOT RECOMMENDED!* | saq |
teleports you to quest target | movetoqt |
This brings you to the testing hall with all items in the game. Be careful as opening enchanted armor and weapons cabinets may cause your game to crash | coc qasmoke |
This command is used to enable controls during cinematics when they’re disabled. Occasionally the game will glitch, instead of reloading put in this c | enableplayercontrols |
Toggle AI Detection (You can steal all you want and no one will see you, doesn’t work with pickpocketing) | TDetect |
Toggle Artificial Intelligence (freezes npc, they can’t walk, move, or anything.) | TAI |
Toggle collision | tcl |
Toggle Combat Artificial Intelligence (same as TAI; however only makes the NPC not being able to combat) | TCAI |
Toggle FOW | tfow |
Toggle Grass | TG |
Toggle menus (HUD) | tm |
Unlocks anything that may be locked by typing unlock then clicking the chest or door you want unlocked then press enter | unlock |
Will increase the level of a skill by one. | Player.IncPCS [Skill Name] |
You can lock chests and door, or people by targeting them and typing “lock” followed by the level of difficulty you wish to set it at. | lock X |
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source: Gamerode