Pokemon Go will shortly be adding the ability to raid remotely in another game-changing, quarantine-friendly update. Over the years, Niantic has been constantly updating the game with new Pokemon and gameplay features that have maintained a dedicated and steadily growing playerbase.
After March’s Community Day was postponed because of COVID-19, Niantic began putting in measures to help quarantined Trainers. The price of PokeBalls, a suddenly hot commodity with the lack of access to PokeStops, was significantly dropped to make sure players could still catch whatever Pokemon appeared in and around their house.
Niantic also provided free care packages for items, provided weekly 1 coin bundles, increased the distance in which a PokeStop can be interacted with, increased Pokemon spawn rates, and more. Hardcore trainers were still missing out on a major mechanic, however: raids.
The Feature Details

Niantic is introducing Pokemon Go remote raiding in the near future and provided details on the upcoming feature to Eurogamer. A new kind of raid pass called the Remote Raid Pass will allow players to join a raid viewable on the map or Nearby Raid view.
The number of remote raiders is limited, and eventually remote raiders will deal less damage. Players will be able to purchase their first bundle of Remote Raid Passes for 1 PokeCoin, but it will eventually sell for 100 coins.
The timing of the remote raider damage decrease and Raid Pass price increase are unknown but likely tied to global health.
Not the Only Updated Features

Other updates tackle gameplay mechanics tied to spinning PokeStops, something which is nearly impossible outside of large cities for people stuck at home.
Field Research tasks will now be provided once daily as a bonus even if a trainer has the maximum three tasks to complete. Gifts, which can be given to friends and provide extra PokeBalls, can now be found by a trainer’s Buddy, a Pokemon that earns candy for every kilometer walked.
There are also a host of quality of life changes, including the ability to load up multiple Incenses and Lucky Eggs at a time, and displayed Pokemon Types during battles.
As unexpected consequences and side effects of the pandemic continue to pop up, Niantic has been on its toes for how to adapt a game so tied to going outside and exploring – something most of the population is currently banned from doing.
The strategy has certainly paid off, as Niantic reported a surge in revenue after the first week of lockdown measures. So now, what do you think about this Niantic’s kind move guys?