Saints Row is a wildly entertaining open-world action franchise that revolves around outrageous antics and over-the-top abilities (including the infamous dildo bats).
In Saints Row 3, players can unlock skills that allow them to run indefinitely, reload weapons in an instant, and escape from massive explosions unscathed.
While it may lack the extraordinary superpowers found in the fourth installment, such as telekinesis and the ability to leap great distances, you can still feel invincible with these Saints Row 3 cheats.
How to use cheats in Saint Row 3
In “Saints Row: The Third,” players can enhance their gameplay experience by using cheats, which unlock a variety of fun and often over-the-top features. To utilize cheats, players must first pause the game and navigate to the options menu, where they can find the “Cheats” section.
Here, players can input specific cheat codes that grant abilities like infinite ammo, unlocking vehicles, or even altering the game world in humorous ways. It’s important to note that using cheats can disable achievements and trophies for that play session, so players should consider this before activating any codes.
Saints Row 3 Xbox Cheat Codes

Effect | Code |
Add Gang Notoriety (+1 star) | lolz |
Add Police Notoriety (+1 shield) | pissoffpigs |
Bloody Mess (everyone killed explodes into blood) | notrated |
Clear Skies (change weather) | clearskies |
Drunk Pedestrians | dui |
Give 45 Sheperd | givesheperd |
Give Apoca-Fists | giveapoca |
Give AR 55 | givear55 |
Give AS3 Ultimax | giveultimax |
Give Baseball Bat | givebaseball |
Give Cash ($150,000) | cheese |
Give Chainsaw | givechainsaw |
Give Cyber Blaster | givecybersmg |
Give Cyber Buster | givecyber |
Give D4TH Blossom | giveblossom |
Give Electric Grenade | giveelectric |
Give Flamethrower | giveflamethrower |
Give Flashbang | giveflashbang |
Give GL G20 | givelauncher |
Give Grave Digger | givedigger |
Give Grenade | givegrenade |
Give K-8 Krukov | givekrukov |
Give KA-1 Kobra | givekobra |
Give McManus 2015 | givesniper |
Give Mini-Gun | giveminigun |
Give Molotov | givemolotov |
Give Nocturne | givesword |
Give RC Possesor | givercgun |
Give Reaper Drone | givedrone |
Give Respect | whatitmeanstome |
Give Riot Shield | giveshield |
Give RPG Launcher | giverpg |
Give S3X Hammer | givehammer |
Give SA-3 Airstrike | giveairstrike |
Give Satchel Charges | givesatchel |
Give Shock Hammer | giverocket |
Give Sonic Boom | givesonic |
Give Stun Gun | givestungun |
Give TEK Z-10 | givetek |
Give The Penetrator | givedildo |
Give Viper Laser Rifle | giveslm8 |
Golden Gun (one-shot gun kills) | goldengun |
Heaven Bound (dead bodies float into the air) | fryhole |
Heavy Rain (changes weather) | heavyrain |
Infinite Sprint | runfast |
Light Rain (changes weather) | lightrain |
Mascots (all pedestrians are mascots) | mascot |
No Cop Notoriety | goodygoody |
No Gang Notoriety | oops |
Overcast (changes weather) | overcast |
Pimps and hoes | Ho ho ho |
Pimps and Hos (all pedestrians are pimps and hos) | hohoho |
Repair Car (fully repairs vehicle) | repaircar |
Spawns Ambulance | giveambulance |
Spawns Anchor | giveanchor |
Spawns Attrazione | giveattrazione |
Spawns Bootlegger | givebootlegger |
Spawns Challenger | givechallenger |
Spawns Commander | givecommander |
Spawns Condor | givecondor |
Spawns Eagle | giveeagle |
Spawns Estrada | giveestrada |
Spawns Gat Mobile | givegatmobile |
Spawns Kaneda | givekaneda |
Spawns Kenshin | givekenshin |
Spawns Knoxville | giveknoxville |
Spawns Miami | givemiami |
Spawns Municipal | givemunicipal |
Spawns NForcer | givenforcer |
Spawns Peacemaker | givepeacemaker |
Spawns Phoenix | givephoenix |
Spawns Quasar | givequasar |
Spawns Reaper | givereaper |
Spawns Sandstorm | givesandstorm |
Spawns Shark | giveshark |
Spawns Specter | givespecter |
Spawns Status Quo | givestatusquo |
Spawns Taxi | givetaxi |
Spawns Titan | givetitan |
Spawns Toad | givetoad |
Spawns Tornado | givetornado |
Spawns Vortex | givevortex |
Spawns VTOL | givevtol |
Spawns Vulture | givevulture |
Spawns Widowmaker | givewidowmaker |
Spawns Woodpecker | givewoodpecker |
Vehicles No Damage (your vehicle is immune to damage) | vroom |
Vehicles Smash (your vehicle crushes other vehicles) | isquishyou |
Weapons (gives a full compliment of weapons) | letsrock |
Zombies (all pedestrians become zombies) | brains |
Saints Row 3 PC Cheat Codes

Effect | Code |
Add Gang Notoriety (+1 star) | lolz |
Add Police Notoriety (+1 shield) | pissoffpigs |
Bloody Mess (everyone killed explodes into blood) | notrated |
Clear Skies (change weather) | clearskies |
Drunk Pedestrians | dui |
Give 45 Sheperd | givesheperd |
Give Apoca-Fists | giveapoca |
Give AR 55 | givear55 |
Give AS3 Ultimax | giveultimax |
Give Baseball Bat | givebaseball |
Give Cash ($100,000) | cheese |
Give Chainsaw | givechainsaw |
Give Cyber Blaster | givecybersmg |
Give Cyber Buster | givecyber |
Give D4TH Blossom | giveblossom |
Give Electric Grenade | giveelectric |
Give Flamethrower | giveflamethrower |
Give Flashbang | giveflashbang |
Give GL G20 | givelauncher |
Give Grave Digger | givedigger |
Give Grenade | givegrenade |
Give K-8 Krukov | givekrukov |
Give KA-1 Kobra | givekobra |
Give McManus 2015 | givesniper |
Give Mini-Gun | giveminigun |
Give Molotov | givemolotov |
Give Nocturne | givesword |
Give RC Possesor | givercgun |
Give Reaper Drone | givedrone |
Give Respect | whatitmeanstome |
Give Riot Shield | giveshield |
Give S3X Hammer | givehammer |
Give SA-3 Airstrike | giveairstrike |
Give Satchel Charges | givesatchel |
Give Shock Hammer | giverocket |
Give Sonic Boom | givesonic |
Give Stun Gun | givestungun |
Give TEK Z-10 | givetek |
Give The Penetrator | givedildo |
Give Viper Laser Rifle | giveslm8 |
Gives RPG | giverpg |
Golden Gun (one-shot gun kills) | goldengun |
Heaven Bound (dead bodies float into the air) | fryhole |
Heavy Rain (changes weather) | heavyrain |
Infinite Sprint | runfast |
Light Rain (changes weather) | lightrain |
Mascots (all pedestrians are mascots) | mascot |
No Cop Notoriety | goodygoody |
No Gang Notoriety | oops |
Overcast (changes weather) | overcast |
Pimps and Hos (all pedestrians are pimps and hos) | hohoho |
Repair Car (fully repairs vehicle) | repaircar |
Spawns Ambulance | giveambulance |
Spawns Anchor | giveanchor |
Spawns Attrazione | giveattrazione |
Spawns Bootlegger | givebootlegger |
Spawns Challenger | givechallenger |
Spawns Commander | givecommander |
Spawns Condor | givecondor |
Spawns Eagle | giveeagle |
Spawns Estrada | giveestrada |
Spawns Gat Mobile | givegatmobile |
Spawns Kaneda | givekaneda |
Spawns Kenshin | givekenshin |
Spawns Knoxville | giveknoxville |
Spawns Miami | givemiami |
Spawns Municipal | givemunicipal |
Spawns NForcer | givenforcer |
Spawns Peacemaker | givepeacemaker |
Spawns Phoenix | givephoenix |
Spawns Quasar | givequasar |
Spawns Reaper | givereaper |
Spawns Sandstorm | givesandstorm |
Spawns Shark | giveshark |
Spawns Specter | givespecter |
Spawns Status Quo | givestatusquo |
Spawns Taxi | givetaxi |
Spawns Titan | givetitan |
Spawns Toad | givetoad |
Spawns Tornado | givetornado |
Spawns Vortex | givevortex |
Spawns VTOL | givevtol |
Spawns Vulture | givevulture |
Spawns Widowmaker | givewidowmaker |
Spawns Woodpecker | givewoodpecker |
Vehicles No Damage (your vehicle is immune to damage) | vroom |
Vehicles Smash (your vehicle crushes other vehicles) | isquishyou |
Weapons (gives a full compliment of weapons) | letsrock |
Zombies (all pedestrians become zombies) | brains |
Saints Row 3 PlayStation Cheat Codes

Effect | Code |
Add Gang Notoriety (+1 star) | lolz |
Add Police Notoriety (+1 shield) | pissoffpigs |
Bloody Mess (everyone killed explodes into blood) | notrated |
Clear Skies (change weather) | clearskies |
Drunk Pedestrians | dui |
Give 45 Sheperd | givesheperd |
Give Apoca-Fists | giveapoca |
Give AR 55 | givear55 |
Give AS3 Ultimax | giveultimax |
Give Baseball Bat | givebaseball |
Give Cash ($1000,000) | cheese |
Give Chainsaw | givechainsaw |
Give Cyber Blaster | givecybersmg |
Give Cyber Buster | givecyber |
Give D4TH Blossom | giveblossom |
Give Electric Grenade | giveelectric |
Give Flamethrower | giveflamethrower |
Give Flashbang | giveflashbang |
Give GL G20 | givelauncher |
Give Grave Digger | givedigger |
Give Grenade | givegrenade |
Give K-8 Krukov | givekrukov |
Give KA-1 Kobra | givekobra |
Give McManus 2015 | givesniper |
Give Mini-Gun | giveminigun |
Give Molotov | givemolotov |
Give Nocturne | givesword |
Give RC Possesor | givercgun |
Give Reaper Drone | givedrone |
Give Respect | whatitmeanstome |
Give Riot Shield | giveshield |
Give S3X Hammer | givehammer |
Give SA-3 Airstrike | giveairstrike |
Give Satchel Charges | givesatchel |
Give Shock Hammer | giverocket |
Give Sonic Boom | givesonic |
Give Stun Gun | givestungun |
Give TEK Z-10 | givetek |
Give The Penetrator | givedildo |
Give Viper Laser Rifle | giveslm8 |
Gives RPG | giverpg |
Golden Gun (one-shot gun kills) | goldengun |
Heaven Bound (dead bodies float into the air) | fryhole |
Heavy Rain (changes weather) | heavyrain |
Infinite Sprint | runfast |
Light Rain (changes weather) | lightrain |
Mascots (all pedestrians are mascots) | mascot |
No Cop Notoriety | goodygoody |
No Gang Notoriety | oops |
Overcast (changes weather) | overcast |
Pimps and Hos (all pedestrians are pimps and hos) | hohoho |
Repair Car (fully repairs vehicle) | repaircar |
Respect and money | Whatitmeanstome |
Spawns Ambulance | giveambulance |
Spawns Anchor | giveanchor |
Spawns Attrazione | giveattrazione |
Spawns Bootlegger | givebootlegger |
Spawns Challenger | givechallenger |
Spawns Commander | givecommander |
Spawns Condor | givecondor |
Spawns Eagle | giveeagle |
Spawns Estrada | giveestrada |
Spawns Gat Mobile | givegatmobile |
Spawns Kaneda | givekaneda |
Spawns Kenshin | givekenshin |
Spawns Knoxville | giveknoxville |
Spawns Miami | givemiami |
Spawns Municipal | givemunicipal |
Spawns NForcer | givenforcer |
Spawns Peacemaker | givepeacemaker |
Spawns Phoenix | givephoenix |
Spawns Quasar | givequasar |
Spawns Reaper | givereaper |
Spawns Sandstorm | givesandstorm |
Spawns Shark | giveshark |
Spawns Specter | givespecter |
Spawns Status Quo | givestatusquo |
Spawns Taxi | givetaxi |
Spawns Titan | givetitan |
Spawns Toad | givetoad |
Spawns Tornado | givetornado |
Spawns Vortex | givevortex |
Spawns VTOL | givevtol |
Spawns Vulture | givevulture |
Spawns Widowmaker | givewidowmaker |
Spawns Woodpecker | givewoodpecker |
Vehicles No Damage (your vehicle is immune to damage) | vroom |
Vehicles Smash (your vehicle crushes other vehicles) | isquishyou |
Weapons (gives a full compliment of weapons) | letsrock |
Zombies (all pedestrians become zombies) | brains |

Perform the following actions to unlock cosmetics like outfits, masks, and more.
Unlockable | How to Unlock |
Killbane’s Mask | Earned at Murderbrawl XXXI mission after humiliating Killbane. |
Apoca-Fist | Earned at Murderbrawl XXXI after sparing Killbane. |
Toilet Outfit | Finish the game once. |
Blowup Doll Outfit | Finish the game once. |
Zombie Gat Homie | Finish the game once. |
STAG Armour | Defeat Commander Cyrus (Choose “Eliminate Killbane but Shaundi will die” among the two options with “Save Shaundi but Killbane will escape”). |
Gangstas in Space Outfit | Defeat Killbane in Gangstas in Space (Choose “Save Shaundi but Killbane will escape”). |
Saint’s Space Rider | Complete Gangstas in Space mission (Choose “Save Shaundi but Killbane will escape” among two options with “Eliminate Killbane but Shaundi will die” in Three way mission). |
Cyrus’s F-6 VTOL V-2 | Defeat Commander Cyrus (Choose “Eliminate Killbane but Shaundi will die” among the two options with “Save Shaundi but Killbane will escape”). |
STAG N-Forcer | Defeat Commander Cyrus (Choose “Eliminate Killbane but Shaundi will die” among the two options with “Save Shaundi but Killbane will escape”). |
Cyber Buster | Defeat Matt Miller in Cyber reality mission. |
ASP Tank | Defeat Matt Miller in Cyber reality mission. |
Chainsaw | Beat the game’s two endings (After finishing the game win one ending you will see replay of Three way,in replay you can see the ending which you didn’t chose before). |
Deckers Blade | Purchase and/or beat the game’s two endings (After finishing the game win one ending you will see replay of Three way,in replay you can see the ending which you didn’t chose before). |
Decker’s Outfit | Assassination from Saintsbook. |
Vulture | Complete Trojan Whores mission. |
X-2 Phantom | Beat all Trailblazing Activities in the Stanfield, AKA the Deckers district. |
Wraith | Beat all Trail Blazing Activities in the Stanfield, AKA the Deckers district. |
Gimp Gang Customization | Complete Return to Steelport mission. |
Wrestler Gang Customization | Beat all Escort Activities in the Carver Island, AKA the Luchadores district. |
Guardsmen Gang Customization | Beat all Tank Mayhem Activities in Steelport. |
Mascots Gang Customization | Beat all Prof. Genki S.E.R.C. Activities in Steelport. |
Satchel Charges | Pick Satchel Charges from three choices in S.T.A.G. Prototypes My name is Cyrus Temple mission. |
Specter | Pick Specter from three choices in S.T.A.G. Prototypes My name is Cyrus Temple mission. |
Eagle | In the armory where you need to go in Three way where those helicopters are it’s on one of those heli-pads,but it only appears when you’re on the ground. |
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source: Gamerode