Marvel Studios will be facing many new Challenges since they brought back many franchises, along with getting back all the X-Men characters as well as the Fantastic Four.
Whether the MCU Will Reboot X-Men in the near future is an unanswered question for now, but it just popped up as a fan question when one of the Mutant characters was revealed in Doctor Strange: in The Multiverse Madness. Before continuing, make sure you’ve seen the movie in theaters or on Disney Plus which was available yesterday.
About the X-Men in the MCU Based on Doctor Strange 2’s Easter Egg
Telling stories about the Multiverse is a great step for the MCU to explore the broad context of the Multiverse and a great way to bring back the original Marvel characters introduced to us in the next film or simply an upcoming Disney Plus event.
In one of the new films, we get to meet one of the many things from the Multiverse, including various Wanda and a group of superheroes other than the Avengers. Dr. Travel Stephen Strange and teenage girl America Chavez made this wizard aware of what the future needed to handle something from the Multiverse.
During a couple’s inter-dimensional romp, they are confronted on Earth-838. In this film, the two of them meet various other superheroes who are much different from the ones they knew before.
The group was called the Illuminati, and Professor Charles Xavier aka Professor X was one of its members. Also included are Fantastic Four’s Reed Richards, Inhuman King Black Bolt, and Professor Charles Xavier, mentor to the band of Marvel mutants known as the X-Men. However, they all just died to show off immediately.
But what’s interesting is when Professor X is played by the same person who played in the old version but with a different franchise umbrella. In addition to bringing old fans closer, this also creates hype to unite old fans who really like the cast. After that, regarding Patrick Stewart, as Professor X, there is an easter egg for us.

As long as Marvel Studios now owns those X-Men films and the rights, the MCU will be able to reboot to create new storylines introducing mutants. But apparently, apart from that, Marvel Studios is working on an animated series, a continuation of the original X-Men cartoons from the 1990s. It’s called X-Men ’97 and actually has something to do with Doctor Strange 2.
About the ’97 X-Men Easter Eggs in Doctor Strange 2
During the show, we get to see the main cast of X-Men reveal the differences seen in Fox’s version of X-Men, especially regarding the very iconic chair when compared to the animated version. Granted, the X-Men: The Animated Series theme sounds like when Charles appears on screen, but according to the official closed captions provided by Disney+, it’s meant to be a bit of an Easter egg.
As can be seen above, according to the description, the theme song being played is actually the song X-Men ’97, a reboot/revival of the original animated series produced by Marvel Studios.
This is the first officially recognized Easter Egg for the MCU’s first project led by the MCU, which is due for release in mid-2023. So what does that mean? For starters, closed captioning could suggest, or at least imply, that Earth-838’s Charles Xavier is somehow the exact same character who appeared on the ’90s show. However, this seems unlikely given the animated Professor X has an American accent instead of Patrick Stewart’s typical British way of speaking.
Or it could be that Disney+ feels compelled to liven up the hype for the upcoming X-Men ’97, which will of course be released exclusively on the platform.
If you’re not aware of this one, just re-watch Doctor Strange 2 on Disney Plus and make your own predictions, share them with others for discussion. Hopefully, Marvel Studios can provide plenty of clues to this in their next project.