Currently, many Black Artists get insulted because of their skin color, one of which is a YouTuber and Artist, Thumin, who shares racist experiences through her YouTube channel.
This incident first started when Thumin decided to create a picture of herself as an anime character, namely Kiki from the anime Kiki’s Delivery Service made by Studio Ghibli.
Racist Insults from the Anime Community
This redrawing that she made received various racist harassments from various communities, to be more specifically racist from the anime community, even drawing oneself as a character is commonplace.
As you can see below, Thumin, as one of the Black Artists, gets lots of racist comments and DMs. Of course, all the photos below really bother her. Even more disturbing, there were those who “REPAIRED” the image and made it even worse racist slurs.

Black Artist Thumin Speaks
After receiving various RACIST ABUSE, Thumin finally spoke up and revealed all the words she wanted regarding this insult. In fact, although Thumin said she didn’t care if the racists said “NWORD” to her, there were some who said to “STAY SHUT UP,” as if this would fix the problem.

Instagram Warns Thumin Not To “HATE SPEECH”
Because Thumin made a post regarding the racist insult she received, Instagram actually gave Thumin a warning, even though she just wanted to rectify this problem.
When reporting this issue to Twitter, somehow, Twitter rejected the racism and claimed it did not violate their rules. Although it is clear that many people RACIST ABUSE her.