Previously, we shared The Best Build for Shyvana in LoL: Wild Rift, Be a Mighty Dragon! (input link). For more information, LoL: Wild Rift is currently a MOBA game that is quite discussed made by Riot Games. In LoL: Wild Rift champion tier list, there are a lot of important roles that you can play to win the game. If you want to add variety to your gameplay, you can play one of the best support champions is Soraka.
Soraka is one of the easiest of support champions and has all the easy champion should have. This champion has support attributes such as heal, slow, to poke, which is also one way to get additional support on the lane. But the best of Soraka is her ultimate, which is able to provide healing to all members. If you want to learn how to play her, this article is completely for you! Check it out!
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Here is The Build Soraka in LoL: Wild Rift
Disclaimer: The Best Build for Soraka in LoL: Wild Rift below is based on the author’s personal opinion, and you may not think the same way about this. So if you have another recommendation to put in here, please tell us in the comment section.
Wowkia Games Team
Skills Soraka in LoL: Wild Rift
- Salvation (Passive): Runs faster towards nearby low health allies.
- Starcall (1st Skill): A star falls from the sky at the target location dealing magic damage and slowing enemies. If an enemy champion is hit by Starcall, Soraka recovers Health.
- Astral Infusion (2nd Skill): Soraka sacrifices a portion of her own health to heal another friendly champion.
- Equinox (3rd Skill): Creates a zone at a location that silences all enemies inside. When the zone expires, all enemies still inside are rooted.
- Wish (Ultimate): Soraka fills her allies with hope, instantly restoring health to herself and all friendly champions.
Build, Runes, Spells for Soraka in LoL: Wild Rift

- Ionian Boots of Lucidity: A Top Tier Boots item that costs 1000 Gold. Often built on a variety of champions due to the +40 Move Speed +10 Ability Haste stats you receive.
- Ardent Censer: A Top Tier Magic item that costs 2600 Gold. Often built on Magic Damage champions due to the +250 Max Health +60 Ability Power +10 Ability Haste stats you receive from the item.
- Athene’s Unholy Grail: A Top Tier Magic item that costs 2500 Gold. Often built on Magic Damage champions due to the +55 Ability Power +40 Magic Resistance +10 Ability Haste stats you receive from this item.
- Harmonic Echo: A Top Tier Magic item that costs 2800 Gold. Often built on Magic Damage champions due to the +80 Ability Power +300 Max Mana +10 Ability Haste stats you receive from it.
- Rabadon’s Deathcap: A Top Tier Magic item that costs 3500 Gold. Often built on Magic Damage due to the +130 Ability Power stats you receive.
- Protector’s Vow: A Top Tier Defense item that costs 2700 Gold. Often built on Tanky champions due to the +350 Max Health +40 Armor +10 Ability Haste stats you receive from this item.
Item Situation
- Vs Champion AD

Changing Rabadon’s Deathcap to Zeke’s Convergence will give Soraka armor and HP. Using this build, it will make Soraka last longer when playing against AD champions.
- Vs Champion AP

Changing Rabadon’s Deathcap and Protector’s Vow to Spirit Visage plus Abyssal Mask will give Soraka more magic resistance and HP. Using this build, it will make Soraka last longer when playing against AP champions.

- Summon Aery: A Keystone Rune, Basic attacks and abilities against an enemy champion signals Aery to dash to them, dealing 10 – 60 (based on level) (+ 20% bonus AD) (+ 10% AP) Adaptive damage. Healing, shielding, or buffing an ally signals Aery to dash to them, shielding them for 20 – 120 (based on level) (+ 40% bonus AD) (+ 20% AP) for 2 seconds. You will unlock this rune at level 4.
- Weakness: A Minor 1 Domination Rune, Slowing or Immobilizing an enemy champion marks them for 5 seconds, while marked they take 5% increased damage. You will unlock this rune at level 10.
- Regeneration: A Minor 2 Resolve Rune, Every 3 seconds, regen 2% missing health or mana based on whichever percentage is lower. You will unlock this rune at level 8.
- Manaflow Band: A Minor 3 Inspiration Rune, Hitting an enemy champion with an ability or empowered attack permanently increases your max mana by 30, up to 300 mana. You will unlock this rune at level 10.

The combination of two battle spells, namely Flash and Exhaust, can be highly recommended because Exhausts target enemy champion, reducing their movement speed by 20% and their damage dealt by 40% for 2.5 seconds (105-second cooldown). Teleport a short distance forward or towards the aimed direction (150-second cooldown). The two battle spells can also help Soraka escape from the enemy.
What Is Your Opinion About This Build Recommendation?
So that is The Best Build for Soraka in LoL: Wild Rift! If you want to add something, we love to know about it in the comment! If you get to Challenger easily with this build tips, let us know about it too. You may want to know: 5 Best Offlaner In LoL: Wild Rift For Beginners