LoL Wild Rift has been growing big since its release in October. As of now, there are still no big updates. There are only a few patches of nerfs and improvements to the game. Now, Wild Rift only has 47 champions. But, I’m sure they will bring many more in the future updates.
I’ve been playing the game for about a month. I have seen some players hitting the ranks up to diamond. I am still dwelling in gold/platinum rank tiers, though. However, as the rank goes up, I’ve seen more players abusing OP champions to win.
That being said, I’d like to share with you guys the champions and of the upper ranked players in Wild Rift.
Wild Rift Champions: Mid Lane

For the mid lane, people often use mage or assassin that excels in duels or kiting. This is because if you’re playing on mid, you’d expect yourself ganked at 2-5 minute mark. It is when your enemy jungler has their ults ready, and their support is rotating.
For the S-tier, I put Orianna and Gragas because they are super annoying to deal with. Orianna and Gragas have good CC, and they hit like a truck. They are also S-tier because they are scaling well to late game, and of course they are super useful at war.
For A-tier, you will have assassins like Zed and Akali, then kiting mages like Twisted Fate and Ahri. They are A-tier because they are super good at duels. But, as the game goes to late game, you have to know how to maintain your pace, or you’ll be a punching bag for the enemy.
For the B-tier and C-tier, they are like wild cards. It’s like “do or die”. These champions have good damages, but they can’t escape from fights easily. You gotta pick your fights. Then, there’s Ziggs if you want to push fast.
Top Lane or Baron Lane

Ah yes, baron lane, the lane that gives your game an x-factor. Baron lane is very versatile. You can choose either a tanker, a fighter, or an assassin (or mages and marksman if you got big ovaries or balls).
For the S-tier, we got Garen, Olaf, and Camille. These 3 heroes are hard af, and if you poke them wrong, they can kill you. They are scaling well to late games, and they are relatively easy to play. FYI, Malphite can easily move to the S-tier if he has good matchups.
After that, we got the A-tier and B-tier Wild Rift Champions for Baron lane. Both A-tier and B-tier are quite similar. The difference is that the A-tier is surely the more effective one and the B-tier champions are somewhat prone to kiting. If you choose A-tier and B-tier champions from this list, you choose great damages or extra CC as the x-factor. You are good at duels and can take care of yourself.
Next, we got C-tier and D-tier. If you choose these champions, your enemy jungler will happily gank you every time. Unless you got that pro moves.
Wild Rift Champions: Carry or Dragon Lane

There are not many to choose for the AD carry yet in Wild Rift champions draft and Ezreal is still dominating even after that nerf. The nerf only reduce his impact on the early game. Like for real, the team will always try to pick Ezreal. As if they got Ezreal, it’s a sure win.
The A-tier, the explosive champions that need to be treated right. My favorite for AD carry is Jhin. You know what, I’ll easily move Kai’sa, Vayne, and Jhin to S-tier if they are played in good hands. Their damages are insane. Then again, we got ourselves a teammate that uses Jhin but can’t hit shit with his ult.
B-Tier, the underdogs for AD carry. Varus and Ashe, they got nice damage, can clear waves easily but very low survivability on early fights. Then, we got C-tier, the oddballs, you either hit hard or you throw the game completely.
Jungler Champions Tier List

This is the role for a hardworking and cunning player. The role has a big portion in determining your game. If you got the jungle under control and the ganks are just right, then you’re up for an easy game.
I put Lee Sin and Shyvana on S-Tier because they’re hard to catch, have a good skillset for initiation and chasing, and are fairly durable. More often than not, if you find a good Lee Sin or Shyvana mains on your team, they will carry you the entire game.
For the A-tier, I got different reasons for each of them to be here. Evelynn, she’s good, but you need to pick your fights and understand her mechanics. Olaf, strong and fast but not enough CC. Make sure to kill what you chase, and then you will dominate the game.
Xin Zhao, an excellent champion but got nerfed, and now I think Lee Sin and Shyvana can do his job better. Meanwhile, Vi and Gragas, you better burst your target to death, or you will be having a tough time chasing them.
If you pick B-tier and C-tier, you might need your team cooperation to dominate the game, especially on early game. As for Tryndamere, for me, he can only kill enemy on 1v1 situation or if your team somehow manage to isolate some of the enemy champions into your peripheral.
Wild Rift Champions: Support

Last but not least, we have a support role. For all the support mains, I salute you. Thank you for having a big enough heart to babysit us and throwing your body for us. For this role, it is important how a hero can handle multiple tasks. You need to have CC skill, a skill for heal/shield, or buffs, then for the fight initiation, and zoning.
I think Blitzcrank is still the best for support. He might be a little poor in clearing waves, but hey, it’s a support role. The most significant skill that the Blitzcrank has is the rocket grab. If you manage to land one, it’s almost an insta-kill for your carry.
Meanwhile, for the A-tier, they are the go-to Wild Rift champions if you ever need to pick support. As for the B-tier, these champions are the less effective support. Then, the likes of Alistar, Braum, and Malphite picked when the team in dire need of tanks or they want to play offensively early.
Okay, so those are my tier list for every role in LoL Wild Rift. After a month of playing this game, I can say that I’m still satisfied. Moreover, I kinda want to push my rank a bit higher and learn more about the game. Tell me what you think in the comments about the game and the tier list.