Recently, Niantic, Inc as a Pokemon GO game developer, has created a Referral Program. This program will allow players who bring in new players or old players who eventually return to get the prize together.
To get their own prizes, players who invite others to be in the Pokemon GO game need to provide a Referral code. Players who enter the referral code will get 100 Pokeballs. Here, players also can get various other prizes when new or players who return complete certain tasks, and of course, they will get it too.

You will be able to access the prizes from the referral code yourself via the player friend list. However, keep in mind that only the progress made by new or existing players will affect when the prize is earned. Yep, this applies to all players, as well as new, old, and referral coders.
Still, for those interested in other prizes from certain missions, you can see the missions below. These fifteen missions will apply to new, existing, and referral coders. So, it’s best to complete the mission so that everyone gets a prize.
Pokemon GO: Referral Program Rewards
- Defeat three Team GO Rocket Grunts – Charizard encounter
- Catch 1,000 Pokemon – Three Incenses (Referrer)/Three Premium Battle Passes (New or Returning Player)
- Earn 50 Candies walking with your buddy – 30 Rare Candies (Referrer)/Five Premium Battle Passes (New or Returning Player)
- Defeat a Team GO Rocket Leader – 50 Charizard Mega Energy
- Give your buddy 50 treats – Gible encounter (Referrer)/Five Rare Candies (New or Returning Player)
- Win 20 Raids – Five Super Incubators (Referrer)/Three Super Incubators (New or Returning Player)
- Visit Poke Stops 30 days in a row – Unknown Pokemon encounter
- Trade Pokemon five times – Ten Pidgey Stickers
- Catch 50 Pokemon – Darumaka encounter (Referrer)/Super Incubator (New or Returning Player)
- Win three Raids – Premium Battle Pass (Referrer)/Lapras encounter (New or Returning Player)
- Make two new friends – 10 Pikachu Pal Stickers
- Hatch three Eggs – Farfetch’d Encounter (Referrer)/One Rare Candy (New or Returning Player)
- Make 100 Nice Throws – Two Super Incubators (Referrer)/Snorlax encounter (New or Returning Player)
- Hatch 20 Eggs – Deino encounter (Referrer)/Chansey encounter (New or Returning Player)
- Win a Raid – Bagon encounter (Referrer)/Premium Battle Pass (New or Returning Player)
Keep in mind that the above missions are not meant to be completed over a short period of time. So, don’t rush to complete this mission because you are afraid that you will miss the attractive prizes from the Pokemon GO: Referral Program.