As you know, nowadays many PS5 scalpers feel that their reputation as opportunists is denounced as immoral, unfair and greedy. Because of this, they want people to feel sorry for him.
This story itself first started in an interview made by Forbes, where there was a scalper named Jordan who voiced his disappointment with the public.
The disappointment itself is because they feel that the public is putting bad pressure on PS5 scalpers and resellers (game too). Because they have a bad name in the public, scalpers find it difficult to sell the products that they have.

Jordan itself is the founder of a UK-based “cook group” that helps to paying members to use bots to snag high-value items from the public, like the next-gen consoles, so they can be resold for extortionate prices. After knowing this fact, do you want to feel sorry for the PS5 scalpers?
However, despite having a bad name in the public, Jordan believes that they as scalpers will someday gain public trust and sympathy from customers.
In addition, Jordan also said that “There seems to be A LOT of bad press on this incredibly valuable industry and I do not feel that it is justified, all we are acting as is a middleman for limited-quantity items.”
Not only that, but Jordan also claims that he can get 25 PS5 consoles in January alone and re-sell them at a higher price, which is £ 700 or around $ 950. When viewed from the amount, scalpers get a very large profit on these sales, which are around £ 250 per PS5.
Jordan Comparing About PS5 Scalper with Milk Scalper (???)

According to Jordan, scalpers selling products to be more expensive is a natural thing. You see, for example, you buy milk from a farmer for 26p per liter, then sell it again at 70p per liter. Has anyone complained about the price? Well, as well as scalpers, they buy products from their place directly then re-sell them at a higher price.
While what he says is a fair comparison, it looks like Jordan is misunderstanding something here. Because basically as we know, PS5 scalpers hoard products so people buy from them. So, you could say a scalper is a PS5 broker who has cunning thoughts and monopolizes goods so that buyers have no other choice but to buy from them.