Genshin Impact is an open-world action role-playing game that is very trending nowadays. Like another role-playing game, weapons in Genshin Impact are useful for beat the enemy and finish the quest.
In this game, the type of weapons is divided into five classes (Sword, Claymore, Catalyst, Polearm, and Bow). Well to make us know better, Wowkia will discuss those types of weapons in Genshin Impact in the following parts.
Genshin Impact: Classes of Weapons Guide

Sword is the best weapon to give damage to the enemy in Genshin Impact. It also has a fast speed of attacks. It can be used as a middle ground for melee weapons. So, it is often used by many players.
2. Claymore

The claymore has massive amounts of damage. Moreover, it can even destroy ore chunks in one hit and also has a damage bonus for breaking Geo objects, like a monster’s shield. However, this also has a weakness that it can be slower than another weapon.
3. Catalyst

The catalyst is a mage weapon that is suitable for long-range players, despite the fact that it does not give more damage as much as other classes. Players will easily apply any elemental effects they possess on enemies, allowing for several options for elemental reactions.
4. Polearm

The polearm is the fastest weapon in Genshin Impact. It gives a significant amount of damage in a short time. But, it only can focus attack on one enemy.
5. Bow

The bow is a long-range weapon. It can attack the enemy precisely. It will be able to hold down the attack button to aim your shots.
So, it’s an article about the Classes of Weapons Guide in Genshin Impact. Next, Wowkia will discuss it intensely, and will discuss the strength and weaknesses of weapons per class. If you have any requests and opinions, please write in the comment section.