Previously, we shared The Best Build for Fizz in LoL: Wild Rift, that 100% Works! For more information, LoL: Wild Rift is currently a MOBA game that is quite discussed made by Riot Games. In LoL: Wild Rift champion tier list, there is one important role namely support. One of the best support champions roles is Braum. You should try this champion cause it has many benefits.
Braum is a tank and support that you can place in an optional position. This champion is perfect for you to use when your opponent has many ADCs because he has a shield that can block every shot. Braum is highly recommended for beginners because it has a fairly simple level of difficulty. It’s quite interesting that simple gameplay makes the enemy overwhelmed, right?
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Here is The Build for Braum in LoL: Wild Rift
Disclaimer: The Best Build for Braum in LoL: Wild Rift below is based on the author’s personal opinion, and you may not think the same way about this. So if you have another recommendation to put in here, please tell us in the comment section.
Wowkia Games Team
Skill Braum LoL: Wild Rift
- Concussive Blows (Passive): basic attacks and Winter’s Bite each apply Concussive Blows to his target for 4 seconds, stacking up to 4 times, refreshing with each application. Once the first stack has been applied, any allied champion’s basic attack on-hit on the target generates an additional stack.
- Winter’s Bite (Skill 1): Braum propels ice from his shield in the target direction, dealing magic damage to the first enemy hit and slowing them by 70% decaying over 2 seconds.
- Stand Behind Me (Skill 2): Dashes to the target ally’s location, positioning himself between their location and the closest enemy champion and granting himself and the ally bonus armor and bonus magic resistance for 3 seconds.
- Unbreakable (Skill 3): Braum raises his shield in the target direction for a few seconds, creating a barrier that intercepts incoming enemy projectiles and reduces the damage he takes through the shield. The first instance of damage blocked by his shield is negated completely.
- Glacial Fissure (Ultimate): Leaps into the air and slams his shield into the ground, creating a fissure in the target direction that deals magic damage to enemies as well as those around him.
Build Braum LoL: Wild Rift

- Mercury’s Treads: A Top Tier Boots item that costs 1000 Gold. Often built on a variety of champions, due to the +40 Move Speed +10 Magic Resist stats you receive from it.
- Protector’s Vow: A Top Tier Defense item that costs 2700 Gold. Often built on Tanky champions, this is due to the +350 Max Health +40 Armor +10% Cooldown Reduction stats you receive from this item.
- Zeke’s Convergence: Top Tier Defense item that costs 2800 Gold. Often built on Tanky champions, due to the +40 Armor +40 Magic Resistance +150 Max Mana +10% Cooldown Reduction stats, you receive.
- Abyssal Mask: A Top Tier Defense item that costs 2800 Gold. Often built on Tanky champions due to the +300 Max Health +40 Magic Resistance +300 Max Mana +10% Cooldown Reduction.
- Thornmail: Top Tier Defense item that costs 2800 Gold. Often built on Tanky champions due to the +200 Max Health +75 Armor stats you receive from the item.
- Warmog’s Armor: A Top Tier Defense item that costs 2850 Gold. Often built on Tanky champions due to the +650 Max Health +200% Health Regen +10% Cooldown Reduction stats you receive from it.
Item Based on The Situation
- Braum vs Champion AD

This build gives more Armor and HP to Braum; it will reduce enemy damage to him. Changing the Thornmail item to Raduin’s Omen to get +400 Max Health +50 Armor. This item makes you use Braum without fear anymore, cause his HP is getting thick. You don’t have to be afraid to defend on the front line cause with this champion, he won’t die easily.
- Braum Vs Champion AP

This build gives Braum Magic Resistance so that he can handle magic damage from the enemy. Changing Thornmail to Adaptive Helm makes him receive +300 Max Health +100% Health Regen +60 Magic Resistance. So, when you leave the team fight, your HP will regen faster, and you can stick to your team again.
Rune Braum Wild Rift

- Aftershock: A Keystone Rune, Immobilizing an enemy champion grants a static 50 (+ 50% bonus armor) bonus armor and 50 (+ 50% bonus magic resistance) bonus magic resistance for 2.5 seconds. You will unlock this rune at level 8.
- Weakness: A Minor 1 Domination Rune, Slowing or Immobilizing an enemy champion marks them for 5 seconds. While marked, they take 5% increased damage. You will unlock this rune at level 10.
- Loyalty: Minor 2 Resolve Rune, You gain 2 AR and 5 MR. You will unlock this rune at level 10.
- Pack Hunter: A Minor 3 Inspiration Rune, While nearby ally champions, gain 2% bonus movement speed. You will unlock this rune at level 10.

The combination of two battle spells, namely Flash and Heal, can be highly recommended because of Heal Restore 80 − 360 (based on level) health and grants 30% bonus movement speed for 1 second to you and the most wounded nearby ally champion (120-second cooldown). Flash is Teleport a short distance forward or towards the aimed direction (150-second cooldown).
Tips for Braum in LoL: Wild Rift

- During the early game, make the enemy laning phase difficult by using Winter’s Bite(1). Try to always see the situation around the ward and not too far from your team. Remember, your main duty is to protect your friends.
- Make sure you work together with your team so you can collect piles of Concussive Attacks by attacking enemies together. Use Stand Behind Me(2) and Unbreakable(3) to protect your friends who targeted by the enemy. Prioritize protecting the carry team.
- Glacial Fissure(Ultimate) will be your main weapon during gank, skirmish, or team fight, and if you use it correctly, it can help your team win every battle. Don’t waste this skill.
What Is Your Opinion About This Braum Build?
So that is the best build for Braum in LoL: Wild Rift! If you want to add something, we love to know about it in the comment! If you get to Challenger easily with this build tips, let us know about it too. You may want to know: The Best Build For Master Yi In LoL: Wild Rift