Previously, we shared The Best Build for Olaf LoL: Wild Rift, Deadly Offlaner!. For more information, LoL: Wild Rift is currently a MOBA game that is quite discussed made by Riot Games. In LoL: Wild Rift champion tier list, there are a lot of important roles that you can play to win the game. If you are a beginner, you can use one of the best assassin champions; Zed.
Zed, is always renowned to be one of the best assassin champions with a quite difficult way to master. What makes it difficult for him is the way you maximize his shadow when you use Living Shadow (2). If you miss the skill, it means you throw away some mana and also need to wait for another cooldown.
Here are other Recommendations you may want to read
- All Best LoL: Wild Rift Champions Build
- 5 Best Offlaner In LoL: Wild Rift For Beginners
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Here is The Build for Zed in LoL: Wild Rift
Disclaimer: The Best Build for Zed in LoL: Wild Rift below is based on the author’s personal opinion, and you may not think the same way about this. So if you have another recommendation to put in here, please tell us in the comment section.
Wowkia Games Team
Skills Zed in LoL: Wild Rift
Before getting into the best build recommendations for Zed in LoL: Wild Rift. We recommend that you understand his abilities first. The majority of Zed’s techniques are psychological damage, and he is an assassin with good mobility. Besides, your agility affects using a combination of his skills to deal with deadly damage. Zed is an assassin champion with serious difficulty. So, we recommend you to use this combo:
Death Mark (Ultimate) -> Shadow Slash (3) -> Living Shadow (2) -> Razor Shuriken (1) -> Living Shadow (2) (Optional)
- Contempt for the Weak (Passive): Zed’s basic attacks against low health targets deals with bonus Magic Damage. This effect can only occur once every few seconds on the same target.
- Razor Shuriken (Skill 1): Zed and his shadows throw their shurikens. Each shuriken deals damage to every enemy hit.
- Living Shadow (Skill 2): (Passive) Zed gains energy whenever he and his shadows strike an enemy with the same ability. Energy can only be gained once per castability. Active: his shadow dashes forward, remaining in place for a few seconds. Reactivating Living Shadow will cause him to switch positions with this shadow.
- Shadow Slash (Skill 3): Zed and his shadows slash, dealing damage to nearby enemies.
- Death Mark (Ultimate): Zed becomes unmarkable and dashes to an enemy champion, marking them. After a few seconds, the mark triggers, repeating a portion of all the damage He dealt with the target while they were marked. He leaves a shadow behind and can reactive Death Mark to switch places with this shadow.
Build Zed in LoL: Wild Rift

- Youmuu’s Ghostblade: A Top Tier Physical item that costs 3000 Gold. Often built on Attack Damage champions due to the +50 Attack Damage +10% Cooldown Reduction stats you receive from this item.
- Gluttonous Graves: A Top Tier Boots item that costs 1000 Gold. Often built on a variety of champions due to the +40 Move Speed +8% Physical Vamp +8% Magical Vamp stats you receive from it.
- Duskblade of Draktharr: A Top Tier Physical item that costs 3000 Gold. Often built on Attack Damage champions due to the +50 Attack Damage +10% Cooldown Reduction stats you receive from the item.
- Black Cleaver: A Top Tier Physical item that costs 3000 Gold. Often built on Attack Damage champions due to the +350 Max Health +30 Attack Damage +20% Cooldown Reduction stats.
- Umbral Glaive: A Top Tier Physical item that costs 2800 Gold. Often built on Attack Damage champions due to the +50 Attack Damage +10% Cooldown Reduction stats that you receive.
- Guardian Angel: A Top Tier Defense item that costs 2800 Gold. Often built on Tanky champions due to the +45 Attack Damage +40 Armor stats you receive from it.
- Stasis Enchant: An Enchantment for a Boots item that costs 1000 Gold. Often built on a variety of champions due to the Stasis Active you receive from this item.

- Electrocute: A Keystone Rune, Basic attacks and abilities generate stacks on enemy champions hit, up to one per attack or cast. Applying 3 stacks to a target within a 3 second period causes them to be struck by lightning, dealing them 30 – 184 (based on level) (+ 40% bonus AD) (+ 25% AP) Adaptive damage. You will unlock this rune at level 4.
- Triumph: A Minor 1 Domination Rune, Champion takedowns restore 10% missing health. You will unlock this rune at level 8.
- Backbone: A Minor 2 Resolve Rune, Gain 10 AR or 10 MR, based on whichever stat you have less of. You will unlock this rune at level 4.
- Hunter Genius: A Minor 3 Inspiration Rune, Gain 2.5% cooldown reduction. You will unlock this rune at level 6.

The combination of two battle spells, namely Flash and Ignite, can be highly recommended because flash can help Zedd escape the enemy or chase them. Ignite makes the champion can kill an enemy when the enemy in a low HP. It can hit 60-410 true damage (based on level) for 5 seconds – preventing your opponent from surviving when they leave the team fight.
Tips For Zed in LoL: Wild Rift

- If you want to feel Zed’s damage maximally, make sure you use his hit the enemy with his skills hit. Because. that is the key to activating the electrocute effect.
- Don’t use Death Mark(Ultimate) when the enemy is dying. It’s better to target the enemy with full HP but not too thick like Marksman or Mage.
- Make sure you don’t change the wrong shadow. Remember which one is the shadow from the Living Shadow(2) and Death Mark(Ultimate).
Advantages From Zed in LOL Wild Rift:
- Insane damage
- Has agile movement
- Can escape from the crowd plus make revenge attack fastly
Weakness From Zed in LOL Wild Rift
- Doesn’t has stun skill
- Super hard gameplay for beginner
- Even though Zed has high DPS, He is easy to kill cause he has thin HP.
What Is Your Opinion About This Recommendation?
So that is the best build for Zed in LoL: Wild Rift! If you want to add something, we love to know about it in the comment! If you get to Challenger easily with this build tips, let us know about it too. You may want to know: 10 Best Support Champions In LoL: Wild Rift