If you play Mobile Legends Adventure, you must know the tier list for the game. You see, by knowing this, you can play the game better and can set a more powerful strategy.
What’s more, the article that Wowkia made is the latest update in August 2021 which will help you a lot. Here I will also tell you the ML Adventure tier list for all the characters in this game made by Moonton.
Mobile Legend Adventure Tier List 2021

So, if you already understand what we will discuss in this article, here is the tier list you need. Keep in mind, each of these characters can have a tier due to their own characteristics. So, make sure you know this character first before using it in battle.
Mobile Legend Adventure Tier 1 List 2021

As the name suggests, I will tell you the most powerful character from the other characters first. Then, you can use these tier 1 characters in various battles because they will definitely make you win if you have a good strategy.
Lunox = Tier 1
Zhask = Tier 1
Yu Zhong = Tier 1
Martis = Tier 1
Shar = Tier 1
Anna = Tier 1
Akashic = Tier 1
Gavana = Tier 1
Tia = Tier 1
Mobile Legend Adventure Tier 2 List 2021

After knowing the first ML Adventure tier list, are you curious about its rival, tier 2? If so, here are the best characters who are in tier 2 and will certainly be suitable if you pair them with tier 1.
Valir = Tier 2
Selena = Tier 2
Belerick = Tier 2
Irithel = Tier 2
Odette = Tier 2
Angela = Tier 2
Wanwan = Tier 2
Lolita = Tier 2
Karrie = Tier 2
X Borg = Tier 2
Gusion = Tier 2
Uranus = Tier 2
Alpha = Tier 2
Clint = Tier 2
Argus = Tier 2
Nana = Tier 2
Granger = Tier 2
Vexana = Tier 2
Aurora = Tier 2
Lylia = Tier 2
Alice = Tier 2
Masha = Tier 2
Atlas = Tier 2
Estes = Tier 2
Karihmet = Tier 2
Guinevere = Tier 2
Mobile Legend Adventure Tier 3 List 2021

For the ML Adventure tier list number 3 itself is quite strong. However, usually characters who are in this tier are often used because they can help stronger characters. However, they have quite a few drawbacks.
Hanabi = Tier 3
Karina = Tier 3
Kagura = Tier 3
Fanny = Tier 3
Hylos = Tier 3
Freya = Tier 3
Lesley = Tier 3
Saber = Tier 3
Akai = Tier 3
Thamuz = Tier 3
Harley = Tier 3
Chang’e = Tier 3
Mobile Legend Adventure Tier 4 List 2021

Tier 4 is arguably a character whose abilities are average. However, if you pair this number 4 ML Adventure tier list character with a suitable character, his abilities will increase later, although not by much.
Gatotkaca = Tier 4
Zilong = Tier 4
Claude = Tier 4
Grock = Tier 4
Mobile Legend Adventure Tier 5 List 2021

All the characters you see above are good characters for you to have. However, for ML Adventure tier list number 5, it can be said that it has absolutely no added value. So, I don’t recommend you to use any of these characters.
Minsitthar = Tier 5
Moscow = Tier 5
Hanzo = Tier 5
Rafaela = Tier 5
Lancelot = Tier 5
Helcurt = Tier 5
Diggie = Tier 5
Kadita = Tier 5
Badang = Tier 5
Lapu-Lapu = Tier 5
Gord = Tier 5
Yi Sun-Shin = Tier 5
That was the Mobile Legend Adventure tier list that you should know in 2021. Keep in mind that this tier itself is my own choice, which means these characters each have their own tier, in my opinion. So, you can say it through the comments column for those of you who think that other characters must enter a higher tier or vice versa.