Some of you probably already heard or even played the PC / Linux version of the sim-hospital building game, Two Point Hospital which released in late August 2018.
But the same can’t be said for those of you who may prefer to play on your favorite home consoles. Because even though the PC’s version already released near 2 years ago, but the console versions didn’t get released at the same time.
Specifically, the console versions just been released a couple days ago aka February 25, 2020. And yep it is indeed a DAMN good news for those of you who have waited for these past two years.
Before we continue, take a look back the trailer release of this game.
Also Released on Playstation 4 & Nintendo Switch

Keep in mind that even though the attached trailer is an Xbox version, but Two Point Hospital is also released on Playstation 4 & Nintendo Switch respectively. If you’re the “newcomer”, you may see the similarity between this game and Bullfrog’s classic Theme Hospital which released in 1997.
Well no wonder. Because according to VideoGamer and the game’s Wikipedia page, Tow Point Hospital is indeed the “spiritual successor of that classic game.
Therefore, no wonder the main gameplay concept is also quite similar. In this game like Theme Hospital, we have to build and maintain our hospital business to stay afloat.
Also keep in mind that in this game we have to keep our hospital to always stay above the competitors. Each gaming year, our hospital will be evaluated based on the numbers of cured patients and also the building’s aesthetics. Of course if we’re done great on those two departments, we can certainly beat the competitors.
Sandbox Mode

Upon the launch, the game would also give us two features: Sandbox mode and The Superbug Initiative. The Superbug will offers co-op community challenges, and in that challenges, we have to complete certain objectives.
And if we can complete the give objectives, later we will be able to unlock several unique game contents. So, are you interested to play this game?