AC Valhalla has choices and consequences system. if you do thing correctly, You will get AC Valhalla Best ending. But, If you don’t, then prepare to get those bad ending. So if you don’t want to get the bad one, follow my simple guide to get AC Valhalla Best in this article.
Last week, we saw the twelfth installment of Assassin’s Creed. It is the Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. The game offers another Templar Order and The Brotherhood rivalry in the Vikings world. Like the previous series, in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, you can choose your own ending. In this tutorial, We’ll give you the way to get AC Valhalla Best Ending Possible.
In Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, there will be 5 important choices for your relationship with Sigurd. If you get 3 Sigurd strikes, you’ll get the bad ending. Thankfully, it’s pretty easy to get the best ending. You have to choose the more honorable option when prompted.
Before we proceed, Imma say SPOILER ALERT! BEWARE. Now let’s get AC Valhalla Best ending you longed for!
Choices For Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Best Ending

To get AC Valhalla Best Ending, you need to follow three of these choices. You don’t need to follow all of them.
Leave the treasures for Styrbjorn
The first choice comes at the Sea of Fate Quest. Eivor suggests taking Kjotve the Cruel’s treasure to aid their passage into England. However, Sigurd contradicts his statement. You will have to choose to leave the treasure for the best ending. Then Sigurd will praise you for being a wise leader.
Bros before chicks
In the “Taken for Granted” quest, you will stumble upon Randvi, Sigurd’s wife, confessing her love for you. You gotta turn the romance down because if don’t Sigurd will eventually find out. Remember, for Assassin’s Creed Valhalla best ending you need to be good to Sigurd
Be mad chill
During “Blood From a Stone,” Sigurd and Basim will start arguing with you (Eivor) after the battle. While the two of them rambling, resist the urge to smack them. Be chill, and defuse the convos. Sometimes violence is not the answer.
The axe
The “Brewing Storm” chapter would lead Eivor back to Ravenstorphe. There, Dag would be waiting for you and challenge you to a duel. Defeat him and then choose the option to leave an axe in Dag’s chest. This will earn you Sigurd’s favor.
Support Sigurd!
After completing the Essexe and Suthsexe quests, you would come across Sigurd who cast a harsh judgement to resolve the dispute between 2 Ravensthorpe citizens. Then, of course, you have to agree with Sigurd and say “I support Sigurd’s judgement” to avoid any conflict.
That’s How to Get AC Valhalla Best Ending, Now What?
That’s how to get AC Valhalla Best ending, to those who don’t really know what to do or you still have some question about this guide. here is I’ve summarize it on F.A.Q bellow:
What if I’m not Follow one of those Choices?
You only need to follow three of the above choices if you want Sigurd to stay in England.
Can you Still Get to Romance Randvi?
Yes, You can. But only did this after Sigurd break up with her on later game. But, you still can do it earlier because you have two strike available.
these are the choices you have to make if you pursue the Assassin’s Creed Valhalla best ending. Assassin’s Creed Valhalla now available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and Stadia.
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