In the Apex Legends game, there is a character named Wattson that you can play. As the name implies, she has the power of electricity that can overwhelm the enemy because of her strength.
Moreover, Wattson’s tactical is also very helpful because you can lock up enemies or slow down enemies at home using this tactic. However, for the tactical to be used properly, you have to be smart about where to place it.

In addition to her tactical, Wattson also has a much more useful ultimate. You see, with the Wattson ultimate, you can block all grenades, missiles, or anything else throwable from breaking into your base. Moreover, Wattson’s ultimate can also recharge the shield you guys use within a certain radius.

Apex Legends Player: Wattson is a Bad Legend?
A lot of people say that Wattson is a bad legend. However, this only happens because you were always playing Apex Legends with Wattson in open battles. Wattson herself is the type of defender who should be in the house and waiting for the enemy to come. So, Wattson’s weakness is open combat, which causes her strength to be wasted. So, you see, tactical and ultimate Wattson can be destroyed easily by enemies if she fights outside.

In addition to her skills, in Apex Legends, Wattson also has a passive that will fill her shield every 2 seconds after avoiding damage for 6 seconds. In addition to filling the shield, Wattson’s ultimate will also fill up faster here. Even better, Wattson may store up to 2 Ultimate Accelerants per inventory slot.
However, as we know, each person has their own desires. So, for those of you who like to stay at home, Wattson is the perfect legend for you to use. Together with Caustic, you will win the match easily if you stay indoors.

Not only Caustic but Wraith will also be very useful in this Respawn Entertainment game team. You see, the Wraith ultimate is opening a portal. So you can steal one of your enemies and trap it in a house full of tactical Wattson and Caustic with Wraith ultimate.