As explained in the game Genshin Impact, Mihoyo said that there is a character who has Chuunibyou in this game, namely Fischl. However, what exactly is Chuunibyou and why does Fischl have it? That’s why here Wowkia will discuss it.
But before going into the discussion, you should know Fischl first. In short, she is a 4-star character who has the element of Electro. This character has the long name Fischl von Luftschloss Nar-fidort. This name itself is her Chuunibyou name. The real name of the character who was born in Mondstadt is Amy, as told through her mission story.
Fischl Introduction

In addition to the name Fischl von Luftschloss Nar-fidort, she also referred to herself as Prinzessin der Ver-urteilung. It’s a strange name, considering this game is not in the German era and such. In addition, Fischl also has a raven named Oz. They always wander together. For Oz, Fischl was a princess, that’s why he called her “Ojou-sama”.
What is Chuunibyou?
As for Chuunibyou itself, this is a colloquial term in Japan that is usually used to describe teenagers who have grandiose delusions. Apart from this, usually, people who have Chuunibyou also believe that they have hidden knowledge or secret powers, and act a little strange because they want to stand out.
After knowing what Chuunibyou is, of course, you want to know why Fischl has it, right? If you follow the storyline of Fischl’s mission in the game Genshin Impact, you will know why. But if not, that’s why this article is here to help you all.
Why Fischl Have Chuunibyou?
In the past, Fischl was a child who was raised with fantasy stories and roleplay as a kind-hearted princess. Many residents have a negative view of Fischl because of this roleplay. However, she didn’t care and continued to do so, even now. Although many residents have a negative view of Chuunibyou Fischl, the good thing is that there are several friends who participate her roleplay.
Maybe, for now, this is just a discussion about Chuunibyou Fischl, a 4-star character from Mondstadt. If you are interested in this discussion and want the same thing about other characters, say it through the comments column. In the future, I will be discussing Fischl again, so better keep an eye on us!