Bandai is about to give us another big update on GBGW or Gundam Breaker Mobile. I expect this update to come in the first week of February since Bandai mentions a 1.5 Anniversary event. This update comes with bug fixes, new features, and of course, the new limited-time boss, Hashmal.
Actually, the Hashmal limited-time boss battle is not surprising. Why? Because basically, GBGW is the mobile cousin of the New Gundam Breaker. New Gundam Breaker, having been released in 2018, had Hashmal in it as the Stage Boss.
You can see the leaked Hashmal Multi Mission battle here.
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Hashmal and Other Bosses
If you have played New Gundam Breaker, you will notice that Hashmal’s movement and attack pattern is the exact copy. Moreover, I think fighting Hashmal would be similar to Big Zam, where you have to crush the feet/armor first, then attack the weak point to actually damage its HP. You will fight Hashmal in the Desert Arena.
So far, we have 2 completely new bosses, which we didn’t get in NGB, the Satan Gundam and the PG Perfect Strike. But in the future, I think it’s safe to expect Bandai would release another event with bosses from NGB like Apsalus II, Dendrobium, etc.
But first things first, I’d like Bandai to fix the connection/server issues and the bug issues. Please make the multi missions better since we have Crews now.
New Features and Units

Along with the new year greetings, GBGW devs post a letter on the Bandai Namco site. The letter is about the upcoming GBGW updates. First, the 1.5 Anniversary update, then later in Spring, Bandai will release the 2.3 version, which includes new features, crew chat, and new part enhancement.
Then, about new units, there are still many more iconic Mobile Suits that we haven’t see. I’m talking about ELS Qan[T], XN Raiser, Xi Gundam, FAZZ, Lord Astray, Wing Proto Zero, Marchosias, 00 Sky, Core Gundam variants, and many more.