Previously, we talked about the queen bee. To produce honey on a regular basis, we must know how to make beehives. This time we will continue the tutorial on Valheim Beehive. Are you curious about how to make it and what ingredients are needed. Let’s see about it below!
What is Valheim Beehive?
It is the structure that you can build in Valheim. Just like the name, it contains queen bees and will produce honey. A beehive takes approximately 20 minutes in real-time to produce one Honey. A beehive can fill up to 4 Honey at a time.
The Beehive will unlock when you discover a Queen bee. Like most structures, you need a Workbench as the crafting station. Here are the required materials:
How to Make Beehive in Valheim
If you want to make beehive, you can follow the instruction below:
Total Time: 5 minutes
Open Crafting Menu
First, you need to equip your hammer to open the crafting menu by clicking the RMB.
Select Crafting Tab
Once the menu opened, select the crafting tab by clicking it or swipe by pressing the [Q/E] key.
Select Beehive
Then, select the beehive from the structure list. As you can see, you need 10 woods and 1 queen bee.
Crafting Beehive
Last, you have to put it in the open area (as you can see in the image below, we put it on the rooftop). If you put it on the ground the queen bee will be angry and will not produce honey.
Well, that’s how to make a beehive in Valheim. The queen bee usually has several expressions like she is happy or sleeping. As we mentioned earlier, you need to wait a while to get the honey. If you want more Valheim Guides, stay tuned to our website.