Previously, we shared The Best Build for Braum in LoL: Wild Rift (input link). For more information, LoL: Wild Rift is currently a MOBA game that is quite discussed made by Riot Games. In LoL: Wild Rift champion tier list, there are a lot of important roles that you can play to win the game. If you are a beginner, one of the best support-ADC champions that you can use is Ashe.
Ashe is a combined champion of ADC and support roles. This Wild Rift Champion has a skill capable of providing the vision to the opponent’s area. This is very useful for seeing enemies who are hiding. Besides, Ashe also has skills that will give CC effects to enemies. The level of difficulty to use this champion is still low and easy to use for beginners.
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Here is The Build for Ashe in LoL: Wild Rift
Disclaimer: The Best Build for Ashe in LoL: Wild Rift below is based on the author’s personal opinion, and you may not think the same way about this. So if you have another recommendation to put in here, please tell us in the comment section.
Wowkia Games Team
Skills of Ashe in LoL: Wild Rift
Before getting into the best build recommendations for Ashe Wild Rift. We recommend that you understand her abilities first. Ashe passive is really helpful for slowing the enemy and get more stack for her first skill. That’s why we will give you several tips to make you become a pro player. For more information, you can use this combo:
Enchanted Crystal Arrow (Ultimate) -> Volley (2) -> Basic Attack -> Ranger’s Focus (1)
- Frost shot (Passive): Attacks slow their target, causing her to deal increased damage to these targets. Ashe’s critical strikes a deal with no bonus damage but apply an empowered slow to the target.
- Ranger Focus (Skill 1): Builds up Focus by attacking. At maximum Focus, Ashe can cast Ranger’s Focus to consume all stacks of Focus, temporarily increasing her Attack Speed and transforming her basic attack into a powerful flurry attack for the duration.
- Volley (Skill 2): Fires 9 arrows in a cone for increased damage. It also applies to Frost Shot.
- Hawkshot (Skill 3): Ashe sends her Hawk Spirit on a scouting mission anywhere on the map.
- Enchanted Crystal Arrow (Ultimate): Fires a missile of ice, which she can steer in the air. If the arrow collides with an enemy Champion, it deals damage and stuns the Champion, stunning for longer the farther arrow has traveled. Also, surrounding enemy units take damage and are slowed.
Build Ashe Wild Rift

- Blade of Ruined King: a Top Tier Physical item that costs 3100 Gold. Often built on Attack Damage champions, due to the +30 Attack Damage +30% Attack Speed stats you receive from it.
- Gluttonous Graves: a Top Tier Boots item that costs 1000 Gold. Often built on a variety of champions, due to the +40 Move Speed +8% Physical Vamp +8% Magical Vamp stats you receive.
- Runaan’s Hurricane: A Top Tier Physical item that costs 2800 Gold. Often built on Attack Damage champions due to the +25% Critical Rate +45% Attack Speed stats you receive from the item.
- Infinity Edge: A Top Tier Physical item that costs 3400 Gold. Often built on Attack Damage champion is due to the +60 Attack Damage +25% Critical Rate stats you receive from this item.
- Phantom Dancer: A Top Tier Physical item that costs 2800 Gold. Often built on Attack Damage champions due to the +25% Critical Rate +45% Attack Speed stats you receive.
- Guardian Angel: A Top Tier Defense item that costs 2800 Gold. Often built on Tanky champions due to the +45 Attack Damage +40 Armor stats you receive from it.
- Quicksilver Enchant: An Enchantment for a Boots item that costs 500 Gold. Often built on a variety of champions due to the Quicksilver Active you receive from the item.
Rune Ashe Wild Rift

- Fleet Footwork: A Keystone Rune, Energized: Moving and basic attacking generates Energize stacks, up to 100. You will unlock this rune at level 6.
- Triumph: A Minor 1 Domination Rune, Champion takedowns restore 10% missing health. You will unlock this rune at level 8.
- Regeneration: A Minor 2 Resolve Rune, Every 3 seconds, regen 2% missing health or mana based on whichever percentage is lower. You will unlock this rune at level 8.
- Manaflow Band: A Minor 3 Inspiration Rune, Hitting an enemy champion with an ability or empowered attack permanently increases your max mana by 30, up to 300 mana. You will unlock this rune at level 10.
Spell Ashe Wild Rift

The combination of two battle spells, namely Flash and Heal, can be highly recommended because of Heal Restore 80 − 360 (based on level) health and grants 30% bonus movement speed for 1 second to you and the most wounded nearby ally champion (120-second cooldown). Flash is Teleport a short distance forward or towards the aimed direction (150-second cooldown).
Tips Ashe Wild Rift

- In the early game, you better upgrade her second skill; Volley first.
- Because Ashe’s range is quite far, don’t afraid to hit the enemy little by little with basic attacks. Meanwhile, her basic attack also can activate her first skill, Ranger Focus.
- Make sure to use Ashe’s third skill, Hawkshot, to open the map, like knowing the enemy’s jungler position. You also can use it for checking objective conditions like dragon or rift herald.
- Don’t waste the ultimate only for the enemy in the same lane as you.
What Is Your Opinion About This Ashe Build?
So that is the best build for Ashe in LoL: Wild Rift! If you want to add something, we love to know about it in the comment! If you get to Challenger easily with this build tips, let us know about it too. You may want to know: The Best Build For Master Yi In LoL: Wild Rift