Last year, PlayStation Plus was a service that subscribers disliked for various reasons. However, now the PlayStation service has reached more than 47 million subscribers. With this achievement, PlayStation Plus has the highest number of subscribers of all time.
They can get this reputation because PlayStation Plus has indeed been performing very well in the last few months. With the various services it provides to customers, of course, PlayStation Plus gets enthusiasm from customers.

PlayStation Plus Subscriber Big Increase
In addition, according to reports obtained, PlayStation Plus itself received 47.6 million subscribers at the end of 2020. This number increased by 6.1 million subscribers from last 2019 which was 41.5 million. Meanwhile, for 2021, it is reported that PlayStation Plus will get around 200,000 subscribers every month.
With an additional 200,000 subscribers each month, of course, PlayStation Plus will quickly get 50 million subscribers. However, it looks like this won’t be easy because lately, many users are more interested in using other services rather than PlayStation Plus.
However, if PlayStation Plus keeps trying to make subscriber happy, they will naturally prefer this service. So, it’s best if PlayStation Plus often provides free games to users because that is what makes many people love this service.
Despite the past, now the PlayStation Plus has reached its prime in this years, 2021. Because in the past, this service once offered Control Ultimate Edition, which disappointed the subscribers. However, I can see now the service is trying to improve itself. Like you see, now they already got bigger and has many user.