With the success of the respective Star Wars and Disney Plus, thus no wonder if the two then decided to collaborated one & another.
The collaboration like we all know is resulted on The Mandalorian releases and the current development of two spin-off-prequel projects of two iconic Star Wars characters: Obi Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGreGor) and Cassian Andor (Diego Luna).
As if those amazing projects were not enough, reportedly, Disney Plus currently is developing yet another Star Wars series for the “Mickey Mouse Network”.
Set in New Era and Female-centric

According to ScreenRant, the aforementioned developed series will set in “new era” and it will be a female-centric series. The Russian Doll series creator, Leslye Headland, will be the series scriptwriter and showrunner.
Furthermore, the series will be set “in a different part of the Star Wars timeline than other projects.” Basically that is the long explanation of the “new era” label that i mentioned previously.
Although we already got those info, unfortunately (well, as usual), as of this writing, we’re still in the dark regarding of its main plot, main character, etc. Well, you know it is because of that Star Wars secrecy.
Mara Jade?

Hmmm, who or what could’ve been? Female-centric huh? Well, the options are endless. Plus the term of “New Era” here not necessarily it is new era (after The Rise of Skywalker you know what i’m sayin’ right?)
It could also before the new Disney trilogy. And because of the fans high demand and actually, can be fitted creatively into the overall movie timeline, could it be it is a Mara Jade story?
For those of you may unfamiliar, introduce to in Star Wars‘s fan-fiction novel, Heir to the Empire (1991), Jade is not only one of the badass female jedi / fighter ever. She’s also the wife of Jedi Grandmaster, Luke Skywalker.
But again, that’s just a pure speculation. It could be Rey’s (Daisy Ridley) continuation story (geez i hope not!). So yeah, let’s just wait and see. But who’s story could it be? Sound off your expert opinion okay?