Call of Duty Modern Warfare is bringing back the multiplayer mode in the COD franchise. In this mode, you can cooperate with your friend of a random person as teammates. Firing the gun might sound familiar to the FPS Shooter player, but in COD Modern Warfare you can do a finishing move to take down the enemy.
Meanwhile, you can also find the Calling Cards and emblems in the menus. So, let’s check how to complete these tasks.
How to Do Finishing Move in Call of Duty Modern Warfare

Finishing move in Modern Warfare may be seen the same as Assassins. The player must sneak behind an enemy without getting caught. Then, you will see the prompt appears and tap it to perform a melee attack them fastly.
If the enemy turns around you have to swing your knife, your finger speed must faster than theirs. You can add Dead Silence perk that makes your footprints silent if want to be better assassins. Mastering this skill will make you kill the enemy easier.
How to Unlock Calling Cards and Emblems in Modern Warfare
Now we turn to Calling Cards and Emblems. In COD Modern Warfare, you can unlock the calling cards and emblems by completing bounties, challenges or open up supply drops. These items add titles or badges to player profiles.
Some several calling cards also available after you finish the mission, but you need to fill certain criteria. Are you curious? Let’s check the full list of calling cards and emblems in the video below.
So, that’s how to do finishing moves and unlock calling cards/emblems in Call of Duty Modern Warfare. Wowkia has also shared about How to get RAM-7 and Holger-26. If you looking for any other Modern Warfare tips, don’t forget to leave a comment.