The Winterfest event in the Fortnite has ended. Even so, the players have another thing to do. The game is back with weekly challenges again, Remedy Vs. Toxic. One of the challenges demands you to find the Food Trucks in Fortnite. After completing the task, you’ll unlock an alternate purple style for the character.
Fortnite has changed the maps to put the food trucks in different places. So, it will be pretty hard because the maps aren’t the same as usual. Let’s where to find food trucks in the Fortnite.
Food Truck Locations in Fortnite

As far as we know, there are four locations that you can encounter the food trucks Fortnite. In fact, you can find the catering outlets by yourself. But if you want to make it fast, you can look for the marked location in the map above.
This is a cumulative challenge so you don’t need to go to all the food truck locations in one match. You can visit three trucks in a different match. So you don’t need to visit the truck that you’ve already ticked before. Here is more complete information on food truck Fortnite locations:
- D2 – Durrr Burger, northwest of Pleasant Park
- D4 – Pizza Pit, southeast of Salty Springs
- F5 – Fork Knife, north of Lazy Lake
- G7 – Snow Cones, south of Retail Row
So, that’s where to find the food trucks in Fortnite. We’ll give more guides of “Remedy vs. Toxic” later. Make sure you come back to visit us again. Stay tuned on Wowkia to get more game news and tips.