Hu Tao is a Pyro 5-star Pyro Poleram character that was released on Genshin Impact 1.3 and get a rerun in 2.6 with his friend Thoma. Since its first release, Hu Tao has become one of the meta characters in Genshin Impact, even up to the current version.
She can deal massive damage in a short time, even though it has need to use the right way. For that Wowkia will give you the information about the best Hu Tao build, artifact, and team if want to access his full potential.
Hu Tao Guide

Hu Tao is a very unique and different character, both in terms of how to play and build. He is known as one of the strongest DPS. However, there are many things to be aware of when playing Hu Tao. So, the player’s ability has a direct effect on the resulting damage. Here are some things that you need to do when playing Hu Tao:
1. As a hyper-carry character, Hu Tao needed a great recruit, ranging from suitable weapons, good artifacts, and high-level talents. Luckily for us, Hu Tao requires more HP than ATK, so it’s easier to find artifacts when compared to other characters.
2. Hu Tao’s main damage comes from two factors, namely Charged Attack and Vaporize reaction. If you can’t fulfill both or only one of them, then Hu Tao can’t deal maximum damage.
3. Hu Tao is excellent in combination with Xingqiu, and cannot be matched by any other Hydro character. This will greatly affect the Spiral Abyss, which will reduce the flexibility of team formation. Many other team compositions require Xingqiu, such as other Vaporize teams, Freeze, National, Taser, etc.
Even more, players have to play Hu Tao in HP below 50% to get a passive talent effect. This will increase his Pyro Damage up to 33%, but Hu Tao was designed to get as much HP as possible. So even if the HP percentage is low, the number can still be large.
4. Hu Tao has anti-synergy with Bennet. This can be said to be one of Hu Tao’s strengths and weaknesses, depending on how the player uses it.
Bennet is known as one of the best characters in Genshin Impact. Bennet’s skill can restore the character’s state up to 70% and give bonus ATK.
This would be to the detriment of Hu Tao because she had to play with low HP. So it’s not good to do a combination between Hu Tao and Bennet in one team.
5. Hu Tao’s Elemental Skill has a duration of 9 seconds, with a cooldown of 16 seconds.
With a fairly short duration, players should be able to generate as many Charged Attacks as possible. With animation canceling, you can get rid of unnecessary animations after a Charged Attack.
The most commonly used animations use are jumped undo and dash undo.
Hu Tao Build
For the build section, you can use two types of weapons, namely the best weapons and the best F2P weapons. There will be a difference between the two but not too much.
1. Staff of Homa (Best Weapon)

The Staff of Homa Hu Tao’s best weapon, for now, this weapon was specially designed to meet Hu Tao’s needs, as well as maximize his potential. The weapon will give you HP increased by 20%. In addition, it gives ATK Bonus based on 0.8% of the user’s Max HP. When the user’s HP is less than 50%, this ATK bonus increases by 1% of Max HP.
2. Dragon’s Bane (F2P Weapon) 

For the best F2P Weapon, you can use Dragon’s Bane, this weapon is a good weapon to make Hu Tao. The weapons were great for Hu Tao to use especially when combined with Xingqiu. The passive effect of this weapon will be very useful.
Hu Tao Artifact
You can use 5 Crimson Witch Set, this artifact will increase Hu Tao’s damage which is entirely Pyro. This artifact will also increase the damage reaction generated by Hu Tao.

If you don’t have these, you can use 5 Shimenawa’s Set. But keep in mind, that this artifact will make it difficult for you to use Burst, because of the 15 energy that must be paid for every Elemental Skill activation.

For the record, Hu Tao’s Elemental Burst provides:
- High damage area.
- Heal instantly.
- iframe for a few seconds.
Hu Tao Best Team Comp
As already mentioned, Hu Tao relies on the Vaporize reaction for optimal performance. Therefore, Hu Tao would be good if combined with Xingqiu.
Then you can use the classic team that has been around since Hu Tao was released. The characters are Albedo and Zhong Li. With these two Geo characters, you can get Geo Resonance which will increase the damage and resistance of Zhong Li’s shield.
Even so, this team is quite expensive because you need 3 limited 5-star characters including Hu Tao.

After the release of Thoma, Hu Tao and Xingqiu has a more solid new team composition. You can use Thoma as a shielder and Anemo character to reduce enemy Pyro resistance. For this, you can use Kazuha or Sucrose.
Don’t forget to swirl Pyro for this team composition before activating Hu Tao’s Elemental Skill. This is Hu Tao Best team if you have these characters.

Suppose you don’t have an Anemo character. It’s okay, you can add a Cryo character as a substitute, such as Rosaria or Ganyu. This way, you can access Vaproze, Freeze, and Melt reactions simultaneously, although it’s not as consistent as time focused on Vaporize reactions alone.
You can also use Fischl as a solid sub DPS and shielders like Thoma. This team can utilize Vaporize, Electro-Charged, and Overload simultaneously.

So that’s all the information about the best Hu Tao build, artifact, and team in Genshin Impact. If there are questions or other things that you want to tell, you can write them in the comments below.