Genshin Impact is one of the most popular RPG games among gamers. Because of its popularity, many are looking for Genshin Impact wallpaper to decorate their PC/Laptop desktop or phone.
Many have used the Genshin Impact wallpaper to show their love for this game made by HoYoverse. By using the wallpaper, you will be more enthusiastic about playing Genshin Impact.
For those who want your desktop or phone to be filled with Genshin Impact Wallpaper, here we provide the top 30+ coolest Genshin Impact Wallpapers with Full HD. You can make these images as desktop or phone wallpapers.
Top 30 Most Genshin Impact Wallpaper
All the wallpapers we provide are in 1080p or 1920×1080 (Full HD) quality. Very nice to use as Wallpaper on your desktop screen. The image will still be HD even if it is used as a Genshin Impact wallpaper phone.
You can also use it as Wallpaper on Social Media to make your account look cooler, especially if you are an active person on Social Media and often discuss Genshin Impact.
Genshin Impact Wallpaper For PC

Genshin Impact Wallpaper Phone

How to Install Wallpaper on PC/Laptop

Before that, you should have an image that you want to put on your desktop background. Then, you can use one of the Genshin Impact Wallpaper that we provide above.
- On your PC/Laptop desktop, right-click and select personalization options
- You will be taken to the background settings.
- Select the type of wallpaper you want, then select the image, then click save.
- Wallpaper has been successfully installed on your PC/Laptop screen
How to Install Wallpaper on Phone

It doesn’t feel right for real Genshin Impact players if you don’t install the wallpaper on your phone. This, at the same time, also makes your phone look more incredible than before.
- Open the photo or image you want to set as wallpaper in Gallery, then click Options.
- After that, you look for the option Set as Wallpaper
- Adjust the image or photo to fit, then press Set Wallpaper
- Last, if you want to use it as wallpaper on your home screen, please select “Set As Home Screen Wallpaper” you can also set it as a lock screen wallpaper by selecting Set as “Lock Screen Wallpaper.”
Although hopefully, the information can be helpful, if there are questions or other things you want to tell, you can write them in the comments below.