Genshin Impact was released in 2020 and continues to grow. The number of characters has already reached around 40+ until now. Each character will have its advantages and disadvantages.
For that Wowkia will give you the information about the best Genshin Impact characters in new version 2.6 (updated).
Best Character in Genshin Impact
1. Kamisato Ayato

The first Genshin Impact best character is Kamisato Ayato, which has just been released in this 2.6 version. This is an element of Hydro character that use Sword type. a strong damage dealer and could become your next primary DPS character.
Ayato Hydro attacks create elemental reactions, and this is particularly strong with Cryo characters to freeze enemies to the ground.
2. Kamisato Ayaka

Ayaka is a character in Genshin Impact 2.6 that uses Cryo Element and Sword type weapon. This character can quickly deal with Cryo DMG with her burst and skill. She can also access Cryo infusion, making her a possible Cryo DPS.
While her elemental skill launches foes in a brief Cryo blast, Ayaka’s sprint lets her cross over water and creates a small burst of Cryo when she stops sprinting.
3. Hu Tao

Hu Tao is still the best character in Genshin Impact, which uses Pyro Element and Polearm weapons. This character is potent Pyro DPS relying on strong synergy with Xingqiu to deliver continuous blazing impacts. She is highly recommended for players looking to push the single target damaged ceiling.
4. Zhong Li

Zhongli is one of the most innovative and best Genshin Impact characters ever. His first appearance in Genshin Impact drew a lot of protests from communities around the world. His disappointing abilities made miHoYo decide to give him various buffs.
Because of that, Zhongli became one of the favorite characters wanted by many Genshin Impact players. After a year, an enemy that can penetrate the shield appears.
5. Venti

Venti is an Anemo elemental character who wields a bow. He is a character who acts as crowd control (CC). He can see surrounding enemies through his Elemental Burst.
Venti’s Elemental Skill, Skyward Sonnet, has 2 versions. When pressed, Venti will launch an enemy (or only deal damage to heavy-type enemies) and deal Anemo damage. When held down, Venti will summon the wind around him, then lift and throw enemies around him.
6. Kazuha

Kazuha can easily give Anemo to enemies making it easy to debug enemies using the Viridescent Venerer artifact. He has a very strong buff, his 4th Ascension, and a high plunge DMG, so CRIT will also come in handy in his kit.
This is a great character capable of Support and DPS, especially in the reaction team. He shines a lot as a Sub-DPS, which will increase the entire team’s DMG and make it easier to deal with damage with crowd control.
7. Raiden Shogun

Raiden Shogun is one of the most iconic characters in Genshin Impact, especially when players enter Inazuma, which is his territory.
Just like other Archon, Raiden Shogun has many titles and names. His real name is Ei, while “Raiden Shogun” is the name for the leader of Inazuma. He is also known as The Almighty Shogun, Narukami Ogosho, and The Immortal Shogun.
8. Ganyu

When first released, Ganyu was underestimated because he has skills similar to Amber. But over time, Ganyu began to be called one of the strongest and became one of the best character in Genshin Impact.
Ganyu has two levels of Charged Attack, which can be used after a few seconds of holding down a bow. When shooting a second-level arrow, the child will explode, dealing area damage to the enemy. – is one of the desires of Yoimiya’s gameplay design, although with a much different effect.
9. Bennett

Bennett Genshin Impact is highly recommended as a pyro burst support by veteran players. His “Fantastic Voyage” Burst can perform a jumping attack that deals with Pyro DMG and creates an Inspiration Field.
The Inspiration field itself is in the form of a circle and will get HP regeneration if its HP is below 70% and get bonus ATK as much as Bennett’s base attack.
10. Arataki Itto

The last is Arataki Itto, a DPS character who is quite selfish because he is required to remain an active character. During his Elemental Burst, to deal damage. Examples of characters with similar types are Xiao, Razor, Eula, Hu Tao, Yoimiya, etc.
It has the disadvantage that both require a lot of energy. In addition, when Elemental Burst activates, Itto’s resistance will also decrease. Therefore, it is recommended to have a shielder or healer on the Itto team.
So that’s all the information about the best Genshin Impact Characters in the 2.6 version we can give to you. If there are questions or other things that you want to tell, you can write them in the comments below.