If you are talking about the weapon in the survival game, you must be thinking about Sword. The same as other games, you can craft this item in Valheim. At the start of the game, you can’t make a great sword. So, we will learn how to make your first Bronze Sword in Valheim.
Let’s check how to make it and what the materials needed.
To make the this item, you need to have the following material:
- Bronze (8)
- Wood (2)
- Leather scraps (2)
How to Make Bronze Sword in Valheim
If you want make Bronze Sword, just follow the steps below:
Total Time: 5 minutes
The Materials
First, you need to gather the required materials to make this weapon. As you can see above, the Bronze Sword recipe includes 2 planks of wood, 2 leather scraps, and the important 8 bronze.
Open Crafting Menu
As we mentioned before, you can make a metal-based weapon in the Forge. You can interact with the Forge by coming closer and press the [E] key.
Select Bronze Sword
The crafting menu will pop up, you can see the list of items. Select the bronze sword in the list and you can look at the item stat on the right side. Then, click the {Craft] button to start making it.
Crafting Bronze Sword
Now, you need to wait for a second till the indicator gets full. Once done, the bronze sword will be placed in your inventory automatically.
Well, that’s how to make Bronze Sword in Valheim. In the next articles, Wowkia will give you tutorials on other metal weapons such as Atgeir, Mace, and Spear. So, stay tuned, and don’t forget to comment below.